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does anybody know what this is?

Today I went to my grow area and I found most of the leaves on my pequin with this white crap. When I scrape it, it seems like a bubble and then it also looks like if something is eating/growing from inside the leaf. Sheesh I'm lost.

Yep, overwatering! ..I think most of us have done it!.....Being too attentive to our 'babies'.
Sometimes we are better off to neglect them a little!.... Let them tell us (drooping a little) before we water!
Thanks guys. Last time I watered it looked like it was gona die. Mad drooping, that's when I watered. Could just 1 time cause this because I don't water that often, maybe once a week bottom water. It even had buds already and they just fell off Lmao. Fuuuaarrrkkkk!! Ok so my main concern was if it was some kind of disease so I can treat it or dump it out the window, I don't want to have an infection or a disease on my other seedlings.
Buds fall off and you Lmao? The last time you watered it and it looked like it was going to die it was probably drowning. A dry plant isn't going to show that severe of edema after one watering. Over watering can cause "mad drooping".
Ok well really wasn't like a Lmao situation, it's just like when you're like "yes I have buds" and then next you're like " oh shyt". Before that time that I watered it had 5-6 days without water, and the pot felt damn light. I also have a habanero and normally I water them both at the same time (same mix, same size pot) the habanero was still ok just drooping a lil bit so I watered both. The leaves on the pequin were like if they were drying out and lost their shiny appearance, after I watered an hour or so I popped back to normal and just 2 buds were yellow and fell off. Maybe it had the urge to just suck it up just like someone in the desert finds water and when finds water just suck it up. Oh well right now it has about 3 days without water and it looks ok just the leaves have all that edema. Thanks for the input.
Yeah, apologies if I came off sounding like a jack ass. It just looks like a real bad case of it. Maybe it being slightly out of focus makes it appear worse than it is.

You're right about the desert analogy which may mean I was wrong about a dry plant showing such a severe case of it with only one watering. We would have to know the amount of water and plant size and square roots and mass of dirt and all kinds of other crap and then come up with some crazy equation full of y's and x's and who know what else to develop an answer that I probably wouldn't freaking understand anyway! Sorry about that.

Here's a little blurb from the U of Connecticut; "Edema is thought to be caused by an imbalance of the plant’s water uptake and water loss. It develops when the plants roots absorb water at a faster rate than it is transpired through the leaf cells. The enlarged leaf cells divide, and then rupture. This rupturing of the leaf epidermis and inner cells causes the raised blisters commonly seen on the underside of leaves"

Good call Vegas.