Does anyone else feel stalled due to weather?

gladius said:
Ever heard of chemtrails? If you want to know what's going on with the weather, check out The weather is being purposely modified.  
This is not some hare brained conspiracy theory, so hold the eye rolling please. I've got hundreds of pics taken over the past few weeks in northeast Alabama that prove it. How does one upload pictures on here? 
if its on you tube it must be true
LordHill said:
You can add Michigan to that list. Snowed again today. The interweb has last frost at May 10ish.. I hope that is the case. My 2 "house plants" are doing great, but the sooner I can start hardening off the rest the better.
You can start hardening off during daytime highs over ~ 60F soon if not now, providing someone is available to get them out and back in, in a timely manner.
ajdrew said:
Geonerd, that film is from Youtube.  Everyone knows Youtube is a dissemenation point for disinformation created by the Intergalactic Lizard people who really run the world.
I thought the Mantis were our alien overlords.
I notice the people who scream tinfoil hat never give their explaination. Yet a lot of them say global warming is the real deal.
I think chemtrails are done to lessen the effects the sun has on temperature and evaporation. Much of the west is going thru a drought, and has been for quite awhile. If they're seeding the clouds out west, it ain't workin.

ajdrew said:
There is lots to do that does not involve moving things outside, but kind of feel stalled.  The weather is being so fickle, going from warm to freeze.  It gives a person pause to believe the last frost dates.  Still a ways away, but I am not even sure I should trust moving things into mini green houses.  Usually this time of the year, I would be hardening off under translucent plastic or putting trays out by day.  This year, oh hell it snowed yesterday.
I'm planning on putting up a greenhouse next week, for my peppers. Do you think that'll keep the night temps warm enough for them?
Dave2000 said:
You can start hardening off during daytime highs over ~ 60F soon if not now, providing someone is available to get them out and back in, in a timely manner.
Forcast has us hitting 60 degrees 1 time this coming week.. tomorrow 41 high. But it has 4 straight days on sun coming so getting them out of lights and into some windows is a step in the right direction
DC is the same. Snow showers last Saturday, plants coming tomorrow. With what I over wintered I don't have much room in the window. Spring please!
Plastic green houses typically only make a couple degrees difference by a spring morning.  They make more of a difference in the fall when the ground is heated more.  I do not know how much difference the double wall hard plastic or glass makes, willing to bet a great deal more.  So in MI, I would not put them out in a plastic green house yet.

I am in KY.  I have some friends two hours south that have put things into a poly tunnel, peppers and tomato.  But she watches the weather and puts row covers over the plants inside that high tunnel, so it is sort of a double insulated thing.  So far, no problem even when it got down to the low 30s.  Still, very risky.
Yup. Generally stuck indoors as night temps are just under 50 F. I have started to harden off some seedlings (yellow habs, hawks' claw), which are squatting with the basil and chives. In time will get to move into bigger pots. But until then, the rest are staying indoors.
You know what, never mind. Why in the world should I go through all the trouble of uploading a bunch of photos just to be ridiculed, mocked, and attacked by the peanut gallery, who can't learn because they already know everything there is to know about everything?
"A closed mind gathers no thoughts."
I took photo evidence so that people who live here around me could see with their lying eyes what's happening right above their heads. Some people see the photos and are instantly convinced. Others could be shown a hundred thousand photos and remain clueless. Intelligence is something you're either born with or not.
When you develop Alzheimers later in life from all these aluminum nanoparticles you're unknowingly ingesting, remember that I tried to warn you. lol
"A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." — Proverbs 22:3
For those who are actually interested in finding out WHY the weather has been so abnormal all across America the past 4-5 years especially (Californians with your drought, Southerners with our highly unusual mild weather) then check out . God help the rest of you...
Well the rain stopped, weather reports were wrong and it's going to warm up earlier and stay dry for a week... not that I trust that either, with those darn chemtrails and secret government plans to mess with... Wait. What is their diabolical scheme again?

I have no doubt that the government would like to control weather, pollution, and global warming. I also have no doubt that anything they do will have minimal effect, besides regulations for pollution/emissions limits and the associated rise in cost of living.
Gladius, please don't get frustrated guy.  Here is the thing, there are photographs and film of what folk call chem trails from WWII era.  Reality is that even automobile fuel is amended for climate, changing weather and pollution concerns.  Although it is not so much of an issue now that so many vehicles use modern fuel injection, back when carburetors were common automobile fuel had to be adjusted for simple things like ambient temperature.  I remember one winter in Ohio where carburetor vehicles flat would not run due to a cold snap.  The reed vaporization temperature was too high due to an unexpected cold snap.  In states where pollution is a major concern, fuel tends to cost more due to all the additives.

Not sure why anyone would doubt jet fuel is any different.  But when you put it like a conspiracy theory, well folk have trouble believing even what seems very likely.  I am not sure they are doing anything that would change the weather conditions, but mitigate damage done, well sure... after all they do that to automobile fuel all the time.
Weather has been holding pretty good...A few mid 40 nights has slowed things a bit but they've gotten too big to keep inside. We're averaging the mid 50s at night and up to 90 during the day.
Weather is looking good. I'll be planting over winters in the ground this Sunday, assuming the 10 day forecast isn't calling for any lows in the 30's. My aji amarillo plants are already podding indoors, which is a good sign of things to come for when I let them loose outdoors in 5 days.
After Thursday I look good for putting things in the high tunnel, but going to double check the 10 day on Thursday before I think about it too hard.
Our weather has been fantastic this year compared to usual (will even be 29C/84F next week apparently). That being said, I don't dare plant out until at least mid-May as we are at risk for getting hit with frost and I don't want to kill everything. I am taking this opportunity to slowly harden everything off. Looking forward to getting my plants outside though as they are outgrowing my space!
10 day shows upper 40's at night,hopefully out to the coldframe for a new home. Looks like a nice strecth of weather coming up so plots can dry up a bit, break out Spading fork get ready for pre-till. Then again it might snow next week.