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hot-sauce Does anyone else use Sriracha chile sauce instead of ketchup?

Do you use Sriracha like ketchup?

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I love this stuff. It's not very hot, but it's damn good anywhere "normal" people would use ketchup. Vote and discuss!
IGG you're such a bummer, dude... it's like the first time you said no to something like, eh... what?
I use yellow Sriracha instead of mustard, too! :lol:

Txclosetgrower said:
Fatalii is yellow too, pussy. Suck it up!

Not "Mustard yellow"! Mustard yellow is an evil yellow, a yelow with too much ambition. Mustard yellow. The strange kind of yellow that says "I'm different because I brighter than normal". Mudstard yellow, how I dispise thee.
imaguitargod said:
Not "Mustard yellow"! Mustard yellow is an evil yellow, a yelow with too much ambition. Mustard yellow. The strange kind of yellow that says "I'm different because I brighter than normal". Mudstard yellow, how I dispise thee.

I 100% agree with IGG!! mustard is NASTY & has no place in hot sauce!!!