Does it ever end?

Last year, the push was on to extend the season with a high tunnel.  It gave me an extra month or so in the fall and might buy me half a month this spring.

This year, planning a double panel greenhouse that I can actually afford to heat.  Theory is it will be used for starts in the spring and then in the fall I will fill it with container plants, maybe get a third plant out, the third being container into the green house cause it will have more time.

The green house isnt even up yet and I am wondering what the next step should be.  Have a friend who is recovering from morphine addiction.  She tells me I got it worse than when she stuck needles in her arm.
Ah something I know all too well. It never ends. I'm an ex junkie of heroin and cocaine-got off the needle in the 90's and still its always in the back of my mind. Still get a rush even when a nurse has to take my blood. Don't ask how I stopped cause my only answer would be I got tired of being sick all the time and my will to live outweighed my need to die.
Robby, thank you for sharing.  Amazing number of stand up people have had similiar challenges.  Kind of tired of the way folk treat them when they are open about it.  Lots of people have recovered from an illness, who is anyone to judge poorly.
Step into my shoes and walk the life Im living and if you get as far as I am, just maybe you will see how strong I really am.
-To those who want to walk beside me, i'll give you the shoes off my feet. For the rest of you, hope you cut your foot on broken glass, get gangrene and have to have it amputated.-
On that last part, no thanks.  Been there.  Done that.  Twice.

Seriously, the way I see it is that if a person has not been threw something, there is no way to know if the can get threw something.  So people with scars are proven.  People without scars, who knows?
Yes I agree,but when those scars are what people base their decisions about you is not worth the person. If you want to capitalize for attention, you get what you deserve. If your lucky,you have someone like your self without conviction to walk along side to get thru it. Just saying.
When the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change-then change I must or die I will.

Other people. Eh.

What other people think about me is none of my business.

Joke em if they can't take a fukc.
Back on OP, love that you are getting so much out of the hobby/business AJ.  The only thing left following your other threads and posts is, well expansion!  Looking forward to the pics of the build 
sirex said:
What other people think about me is none of my business.
If you really believe what you wrote there, then you know all that there is to know in life.
Being happy is a conscious decision, not a by-product of circumstance.  Nobody should ever give another human being the power to manipulate them through their emotions, and make them think that happiness is beyond them, much less dependent on someone or something else.
solid7 said:
If you really believe what you wrote there, then you know all that there is to know in life.
Being happy is a conscious decision, not a by-product of circumstance.  Nobody should ever give another human being the power to manipulate them through their emotions, and make them think that happiness is beyond them, much less dependent on someone or something else.

I don't think that's all there is to know about life. I do think that's a big chunk of the happiness factor though.
sirex said:
I don't think that's all there is to know about life. I do think that's a big chunk of the happiness factor though.
Happiness is the Holy Grail.  Once you figure out to be happy, everything else falls into place.  When it's all said and done, there are a whole lot of things that just don't matter.

Of course, legions of unhappy people will tell you different.  LOL
solid7 said:
Happiness is the Holy Grail.  Once you figure out to be happy, everything else falls into place.  When it's all said and done, there are a whole lot of things that just don't matter.
Of course, legions of unhappy people will tell you different.  LOL
I agree with you in a sense. I see where you are going. I don't think everything falls in its place though. 
For example- a happy person can still make decisions and act on feelings that aren't that beneficial for them.  I don't see that as EVERYTHING falling into place. 
Spiritually, emotionally etc., yes, those fall in place. 
Bumper said:
Back on OP, love that you are getting so much out of the hobby/business AJ. 
I figured out that if I enjoy doing something, I will get addicted and then go broke doing it.  Got married, had kids, wife set down the law.  Anything I am going to spend money on has to make money.  The more I sell, the more I can grow.  Kind of a sneaky way of getting me to care about business.
Yeah, I hear ya...Started down the hydroponic road for a bit. I figured I could get good starts during the colder months and every other excuse I could think of. After adding it all the cost of electricity. Don't think it would be a good option for an average grower not growing a certain extremely profitable plant. But, all the innovations and research in that field does add a new dimension of understanding and transferable knowledge to my grows. Lots of great information once you weed through it plus really cool peeps at the hydro shops. CHEAP staples like soil. Been paying $16 for a 1.5 bag of FF Ocean Forest, local hydro shop? $9 a bag! Pots of all sizes, super cheap. Nice spray bottles, pest control and everything else WAY cheaper than local nursery or big box and massive selection.
Kikaida, when I lived in Ohio we had a nursery / grow shop that did a bit of hydro as well as more traditional organic supplies. Best prices around, great people, and the social aspect was far better than most full blown corporate places.  Here in KY, not so much.  Kind of miss it.
Yep, my experience exactly. Mail order is always good option for the lighter stuff if you have no shops around.
I've had a lot of luck with my local grow shop. He even discounts things I buy in quantity (I swear haggling is a lost art).
AJ, Keep us updated on the greenhouse. I'm particularly interested in that. If you've ever watched mhpgardener on youtube, he has an outstanding setup, where he burns wood in a barrel stove to keep it warm. Of course, he's in GA too. I was thinking of using compost for my heating source. However, I'd like to be around home for that. Still have a month to go before I come back off the road.
As far as drugs, I have compassion without feeding it (giving money). My nephew and niece are perfect examples of the adage about counting on druggies and alchies to do one thing... they always lie. Keep that in mind, and you will be better equipped to keep your sanity.
Myxlplyk said:
AJ, Keep us updated on the greenhouse. I'm particularly interested in that.
High tunnel has the doors wide open and four test plants in it for three days now with no hardening off.  They wilted a wee bit when I first put them in the ground, but snapped back.  I think the plastic is enough sun protection to keep them from burning.  Likely plant it out any day.

I gave up heating the thing with electricity last winter when oh damn that was a bill.  Plan this year is to put compost / barn scrapings down the center where I walk.  Have cold sinks there, lower than the plants.  Then each following year, scoop it up and put on the rows.  Might give me a wee bit of heat, but we will see.

On the regular framed green house with hard panels, kind of in a holding pattern.  Inherited about 20K in debt, kind of screwed right now but fingers crossed for a bumper crop and lots of sales.  Is kind of the life I choose, so not complaining.  You gotta budget if you only have income half a year then when things unexpected happen, well you cross your fingers and pray.