pests Does pepper plant have a cold or is it aphids/bugs?

ok i got so many plants right now for me indoors while its like 35 degree outside that i mcguyvered an old lamp of 10,000 lux at 10 inches apparently, meant for people to turn on the morning with circadium rythm issues.  however, they seem to be getting bigger, including the brown moruga plant in question, whom is getting the biggest of the 3. (light 14/10)
however, it has been cold in that window sill i assume because it has suddenly become very cold outside.  i open the blinds to let light in when i wake up in the morning and shut the blinds at night in addition to the circadium rythm light mcgyuvered to the broom stick.  i also keep a seedling mat under them with the bulk of the lamp and the heating lamp covered by the brown moruga in question.
the plant is getting weird yellow markings on it and a slight case of what i believe to be puffy edema, i did give it a really intense watering a few days ago.  it also has some crusty looking white stuff looks like dandruff or something under its leaves.  the underside of the leaves are little dirty from potting up etc, but this dandruff looking stuff is not from potting up.  my cat of 10 years died several months ago and that was her perch, so fleas maybe?
is this a bug infesttation?  the cold? the other 2 plants next to it are definitely not as big but dont have yellow spotting or dandruff like the bigger brown moruga in the middle.
please help!
i just sprayed the crap out of all 3 plants top and bottom of leaves and stem with a mixture of;
2 parts neem oil
1 part water
bunch of blue dish detergant
BlackFatalii said:
It causes bumps under the leaves. Is it powdery? Does it wipe off? It didn't look powdery in that last photo.
actually it doesnt really wipe off, it just feels waxy.  
my problem is everytime i transplant i soak it real good and then they get really bad edema.  i am transplanting again this weekend to 7-gallon, any way other than sugar water to prevent edema  yet still have the new soil and root ball mix well without soaking?
Topsmoke said:
lol at it again i see.  This looks like a virus, beet curly top or tomato mosaic. or its moisture related.
ya its probably moisture related......  damn it,  how often should i water a 7-gallon smart pot in my living room and how much water?
I let the soil dry out quite a bit between waterings. I can usually tell when it is time because the pot will be lighter. Also, I don't soak the pots the way I did in the summer. I have found that the pots take a lot longer to dry out indoors in January than they did when they were outdoors in warmer months.