
I have a six month old puppy who is hell on peppers. She tears the dirt up, in pots and in beds. She eats the steams and leaves. If she gets in the grow room, she will eat the seedlings in seconds. She even rips into my super-hot chilies (The other day I found a dried bhut crushed up in her bed.). The weather will be getting warmer soon and the growing season will be gearing up and I'm very nervous. I love my dog and I love my peppers. I'm at a loss. Maybe I should have started two hundred instead of seventy to account for unanticipated "casualties" in an ongoing war of wills with my best friend. Advice?
you dont know anything about training dogs i take it? theres no reason you cant have that dog not messing with your plants. everytime he touches a plant or even gets near them you holler "bad dog" and hit him in the nose with a plant. to speed up the process actually put the puppy on ,near the plants and do the holler smack thing. repeat for several days.
Ya,get a cat.
Get a real fast running cat.

it'll take the pup longer to catch it.
Some dogs love eating cats better than eating plants.

Put a mouse trap upside down near your plants or in the pots.
When spot goes into chow down mode the trap goes off.Aince it's upside down when it goes off it hops up in the air.
I do the upside down trap thing to keep the cats out of my pots outside.
After a while I don't have to set the traps.Just the sight of a trap in a pot keeps the cats away.
Also you can hear the traps go off and can probably go yell at the pup to re enforce the "stay away from my plants "message.
Well here you go. Invisible fence and shock collar. We have the 3 poodles here with shock collars and invisible fences in the bedrooms, dining room and living room. They stay clear away from those areas now.
Mix hot pepper powder and water in a spray bottle and coat the plants thoroughly. That will show'em! Worked for me.

like I siad she muches on bhuts. I tried that, I though I was being mean/cleaver, and it didn't phase her.

this has shortly become a complaint post by me.
I don't want top stir the pot too much but tough love is the way to go. Don't get me wrong, do not beat the dog! I used a supersoaker and provoked my dog to go for it and knocked him in the head with a big blast from the supersoaker. He's never looked back.

My parents had the same issue and they used mouse traps (not upside down). One snap and the dog never attacked the plants again. Use mouse traps, not rat traps. You don't want the dog to get hit, rather the noise is the deterrent.

If you have the time, hold the trap in your hand and when the dog goes for the plants just raise the snap and let it go. The noise will scare the dog off; however, he/she may just wait until you are not around to test the waters.

Both the water and traps were a one time thing. You just don't want the dog to associate the noise or water with you, just the plants. Find a good hiding spot and try it out.