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DOH! I could of been growing....

Well I did some cleaning that should of been done for a long time. However when cleaning I found some seeds I forgot that I even had. someone sent me some Bulgarian Carrot Peppers and I don't remember who.. but I didn't plant one seed! Oh well there is always next year....

and I forgot to ask, where there any peppers you forgot to plant this year?
I didn't really forget more like ran out of room but yes there are about 10 varieties that will have to wait 'till next season.
It seems to be one of those peppers that some people love and some people hate. Well I don't know if you can actually hate a pepper;)
I agree with Potawie. Many different opinions on Bulgarian Carrot. However, a good friend of mine sent me a container of powder and it's excellent IMO. I went through it fast!