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Don't think I got what I paid for???

About 5 months ago I purchased a packet of Trinidad Scorpion seeds from Gerald at the Chilli seed company in the UK.

After spending a good number of months growing 3 of the seeds into plants and getting pods, I find that the pods ripen and look/taste exactly like 7 pots/pods.

I have grown 7 pots from a number of different kind members and they all mostly look the same. Golf ball size, wrinkly, bumpy with that definite 7 pot smell and taste. I've never grown a trini scorp so I can't comment on the plant.

I sent Gerald an email and received a quick reply.

I purchased a packet of Trinidad Scorpion seeds from you about 5 months ago.I have 3 plants growing from these seeds and I am sad to say they are all 7pots. I have grown 7 pots for a few years and i can confidently say that you have supplied me with 7 pots. They are a round golf ball sized wrinkled and lumpy chilli which is nothing like what a Scorpion is like!! I am very disappointed with this as you have always been very good in the past and I have put a lot of effort into growing these to find I have now got more of what I already have!! I'm letting you know just in case you are still selling the same batch of"Trinidad Scorpions" that you have been for a number of months as they do not grow as labels. Thanks you and Kind Regards

The reply:

Can you send me some photos of the plants and pods?Some of mine did grow as Trinidad and on the same plant they grew some looking like 7 podishhh! Gerald

I will be taking some pics of both my plants and pods on those plants and send to him tonight.

Has anyone else come across this problem. You can't tell me that a Trini Scorp can come out looking like and tasting like a 7 pot?? And has anyone had a seed package where the same plant grows 2 completly different looking chillis?? (and not just as a one off, but multiple times)

****I have nothing against Gerald as I have ordered from them before and always had good service and the plant has been true to label!! I'm just disappointed to put all this effort into a plant to find it's not what I paid for****
How very strange.

I doubt very highly that the same plant can produce 2 different types of peppers, sounds like a wild tale to me.
Not all Trinidad Scorpion peppers will have tails but they are not as blocky like the 7 Pod either. I have noticed that Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend looks exactly like a 7 Pod in my garden.
moyboy said:
Has anyone else come across this problem.


moyboy said:
You can't tell me that a Trini Scorp can come out looking like and tasting like a 7 pot??

nope, but pods that look like 7 Pot came on plants from pointed scorpion seed but they tasted like T. Scorps.

I am selecting only the tailed pods seed from my plants with hopes of getting a good pointed variety stable (as much as possible)

moyboy said:
And has anyone had a seed package where the same plant grows 2 completly different looking chillis?? (and not just as a one off, but multiple times)

Nope ;)
the morouga and the BS do look awful similar...had them growing within 30 feet of one another with Yellow 7 Pot in between.....
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
... I have noticed that Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend looks exactly like a 7 Pod in my garden.

Have to agree with PRF - My regular red 7-Pods and TSMB's showed absolutely no difference in smell, color, form or taste. And the latter came from a respected seed-seller (even as a free gift...) so I have no reason to doubt what I received... It seemed that the name-tag was the only difference... So if somebody have the secret how to differ the two varieties, please share???

So it seems I may have some form of trini scorp after all!!! :(

I am a bit disappointed that I didn't get the ones with the tail!!!!

I will take some pics and post when I get home!!
I had something similar happen in '08 and again in '09. The seeds I saved from pods with a pronounced stinger produced plants that had only 10% peppers with stingers. I believe the stinger is produced as a combination of genetics and environment so you may get some as the weather changes. I also think that the Trinidad Scorpion is just not as uniform as the more common varieties. I hope in the future it will become more stable and reliable as it's probably my favorite pepper.
The Trinidad Scorpion (Butch T) is the superhot variety I like but for me pods only grow tails less then 50% of the time and most times the tails seem to be a result of the flower staying on the pod and constricting early growth. Its also the hottest pepper I've ever tasted.
I'll have to find some pics to explain better
That will teach you not to buy from hippy! I have around a half dozen scorpions going atm pip, i will save you some seeds from some sexy looking pods. They are Butch t's.