Dorset Naga or Naga Morich

Pepper Belly said:
So whats the difference between the two mentioned peppers and the Bhut Jolokia?

I'm convinced that there's no difference at all apart from the name. I'll
know for sure a little later as I'm one of a handfull of people growing
them all side-by-side.

All my Bhut Jolokias from the Chili Pepper Institute have sprouted. 100% viability (on my small order)! :onfire: That's much better than I expected. My other pepper seeds (not nagas) from mail order are at about 50% and less.
From the label of the Bhut Jolokia seed from The Chile Pepper Institute.

All rights to produce or sell seeds derived from this seed resides solely with the Chile Pepper Institute. By opening this envelope, you acknowledge and agree to this condition. If you do not wish to be bound byt hese terms, all seed must be destroyed or return to the Chile Pepper Institute."

Will Ferrell Lol GIF