Double grow in one year

Hey guys,
I've been wondering about crossing and selecting plants for the next season. I'm currently living in a semi-arid climate where the actual summer is so hot it seems better to split the season up in two parts. Would it be possible to plan in such a way that I can grow plants, save seeds, and plant those seeds again for fruit in the second half of the season?
We experience no frost here, but the night temps do drop below 12 degrees C in winter. So I was thinking of starting seeds inside late December to put them outside late March. Then July and August would be the two months that are too hot. I would then start seeds inside again at the beginning of July so I could put them outside late August. It keeps being 20+ degrees C until late October.
Would it be possible to grow two generations of peppers in one season like this?
12 C isn't an issue. May slow the growth but won't kill anything. I have plants out that are finishing up ripening a few last peppers and night time temps have hit as low as 2 C here. As long as there isn't frost you'll be fine, just slowed.
I have a the same problem , short cold winter , hot arid summer with peak temperatures of 36-46 degrees Celsius.
I plant in pots , start early , with a harvest in early summer , then I move the plants to total shade , cut them back a bit, they won't bloom anyway. They start growing out again in mid and late summer for a autumn harvest with the same plants.
Where exactly are you?
I don't think you'll have time to grow two full generations from seed.
But if you're just breeding, and don't mind small plants and light yields, you should be able to make it work.
If you want lots-o-peppers, Karoo's approach works as well as anything.  
Here in Aridzona I get an early start.  (Plant seeds in Jan/Feb or so.)
Cool nights inhibit growth until early April.
Enjoy a few pods in May before the summer heat shuts down much of the flowering.
Provide partial shade during the dead of summer.  Feed and water and hopefully keep the plants growing.
Come late August, the mature plants go nuts with flowers.
Enjoy pods late into the year.
Thanks for the replies guys. I live in Serpa, Portugal at the moment, Geonerd. Your nametag already seems appropriate, lol :D It was only meant for breeding so I'm glad to hear that could theoratically work.
The tips about the second harvest are also very nice! Can't wait for the coming growing season to take off!