Douglah and Yellow Bhut Jolokia

It might take me a day or so to respond to your pm's. Don't worry, I will respond.
I'll also post when I have enough people.

Well, these are going very fast, I still have some packs left, just send a pm.

I have a mystery pack of seeds if anyone is interested.
I dried some seeds, but forgot to label them. I'm sure they are superhots, as that is what I grow, but don't remember the variety.
Anyone like a mystery?
Hey, the only thing I'd like to see, is whenever anyone has extra seeds, pass them around.
Hopefully everyone will be able to grow whatever variety they choose.
Some peppers can get hard to locate.
Got my seeds last friday! Hope you like the different small tomatoes! Thanks so much! Most have germinated in filters and are now in the metro mix! Thank you for this generous offer!