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Douglah Split

Couuld someone explain the importance or the fascination of the split?

I wouldn't say anyone is "fascinated" with such an early split, but it is pretty uncommon, so that's where the interest comes from. Importance= hopefully these plants will be really bushy and large producers with such early splits.
What you guys are referring to as "tipping" is just simple low stress training to let more light into the inner nodes of the plant and encourage more branching. If you want to begin this "splitting" yall are referring to then, "topping" is what you need to do. There have been people that say chili plants don't benefit from this but they are wrong. You simply "top" the plant by pinching the newest growth tip. This will slow upward growth of the plant and encourage outward branching, thus creating a much more bushy specimen. Its super easy. :cool: