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Douglah test

i have herd the the douglah is totally diffrent to a choc 7 pod one had a smoother skin and the other is more ripley or you could say dimples on it i cant remember who put that post up about it but i read it on here
That was awesome Nate! Thats the hottest pepper there is IMO. that was a good review of the pepper also, some people dont like the flavor but I think its very good.
Fantastic review BIG man!!! You handled that WHOLE pod very well and raised the bar very high for others. :onfire:

Rock on dude.
amazing job nate! that was the best review i've seen all season by far! i know adults that won't touch that pepper!when i was your age i wouldn't have done that at all! it's great that there are so many reviews this time of year but that was the best one! keep it up! the dorset shouldn't be much of a problem for you. next season i'll have loads of peppers and i'll send some to you to test! awsome job!
Amazing Nate. Ahh to be young again and have no fears. I do feel sorry for you though in one respect, I got to enjoy green chile for 30 years before these SuperHots ruined my tolerance this year. Eating my green chile is much less enjoyable now. By the time your 18 you’re going to have to carry around a canister of military pepper spray and blast your tongue before each bite in order to enjoy your food. LOL Keep up the good work.

By the way, what do your parents think of you eating all these superhots? Do they even know? I would freak out if I found my young son red as a cherry, drooling, sweating, delirious and wiggling in pain then winding down on an endorphin rush. At least you have your video to prove to them why you look like your whacked out on drugs. LOL
Great review...again!!! Very few folks can handle that kinda heat and stay composed enough to talk about it. I know I couldn't.