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overwintering Drastic Cutback Overwintering...

Where is willard? He cuts his back to no leaves and no roots. I am pretty certain that he overwinters them in the dark cool and dry.

BUT I think he only needs to overwinter for 3 months or so. Longer than that might be a problem.

Last winter I over wintered plants with lights, watering etc. 6 of the 7 were not worth keeping in the spring, but 1 did really well.

My orange hab that was such a monster last year, did fantastic inside from Nov - March. It then started to drop leaves and look sick. By spring it had no leaves. I put it out and it has fought it's way back. It now has 2 puny green pods while habs from seed tower over it laden with ripe pods.

My golden Bullet Hab was a late starter last year and produced zilch.

It did OK through the winter and had some leaves in the spring. It was my first plant with ripe pods and is as dense as a plant can be. Now though, I would not say that it is any better off than plants which started from seed.
Somebody PM him! Lol, I am not claiming to know his growing habits, I only know that he used to jump right in on these threads and flash a picture of a frigging stick(;)) that he claimed was a pepper stripped of all leaves and roots that he has great knowledge of overwintering!

I am not making this up.
Too much bouncing around between these 2 threads!

Yes you are right. Willard made the comments in the context of overwintering, but they were specific to hydro. (I personnally wonder why he cuts them back so far if he is going straight int hydro)
The good thing is that I think THP has a bunch of members looking to try the severe cutback/little light/little water method this year.

Hopefully next year we'll have answers!
cheezydemon said:
No, as much as I don't dis-approve, I think pot has killed lots of good ideas through undermining of motivation.
Yea well the problem is most bud is mostly of indica strains and not sativa strains. Indica gets you stoned, sativa gets you high. If you catch my drift.
skealo said:
Josh, what types of peppers did you cutback?
Just two orange habs, a red hab, and some type of yellow scotch bonnet. They are the 4 plants I grew this year. I figured I would test this method out on them that way after next season I can do it on my bhuts, nagas, etc. That is if it works.
cheezydemon said:
We will all have to take notes and have this down to a science by next spring!
Yea I really hope so. It would be great being able to cut them back and just pack them away in the basement for the winter.
AlabamaJack said:
I actually grew mine thru the winter PC... .it was busting with buds and flowers but no fruit...it started setting fruit the first or second week I put it out in April..

AJ ... Did you pollinated the flowers by hand? I gave indoor growing peppers a run many years ago. I was getting tons of flowers but no peppers. Then I was told I needed to pollinated them by hand. I used a little engraver to vibrate the pollen onto my thumb nail then touch the stigma. I'd then give them a smoke because they were smiling so big .... OK I didn't give 'em a ciggy . After doing that I started getting peppers.

P. Dreadie
I didn't try the hand pollinating thingy but I wasn't trying to produce peppers inside...I was just trying to grow good healthy plants that would be ready to fruit when I put them outside in April....I had a fan in the grow box that I ran an hour twice a day to give the plants some movement to make them stronger...then I started brushing my hand across the tops of them to give them even more mechanical stimulation..

My harvests this year have left me in good shape this year so I think after the first frost, I am done for about two months or so, then back to gernminating seeds for the 2009 season...
skealo said:
Do you have any updates? I'm wondering what you've been doing with them and how its going?
As of right now, no. Everything is as it was. The soil is moist so I have not done any watering. Just letting it be. I am keeping an eye on it and will update you if there are any changes. Or at the very least I will post updates in say March when I bring them upstairs.
cheezydemon said:
No, as much as I don't dis-approve, I think pot has killed lots of good ideas through undermining of motivation.

no you just forget

dude i had this great idea! it's going to solve world hunger and everything

What what is it?!

... huh?