Dream Comes True

Five years ago I was trying to get my hands on many many varieties I sow in some posts forums and other personal web pages, most of the time it was taking me a lot of time efforts trying to get seeds and grow them…. That urge and suffer to have the best peppers inspired me to think about another way that will allow other pure rare seeds seekers to access a place where you can trust and rely on, so I started collecting seeds buying a lot harvesting saving and sharing ,…. That was not enough for me the sharing was so amazing that I decided to build a website for any one every one to get their hands on some good quality seeds that took me long time to collect…
Now as the dream become true I have my website ready of course if it was not for the help I got from you guys it would never been done so with all my heart I deeply thank every single one of you guys and special thanks for all the admin at our great website the hot pepper .com ….

ALL suggestions comments are welcome I am more than happy to listen to any consearn about the website and I hope you guys like it please visit

AWESOME stuff, Judy! Extremely nice selection too!

Do you send overseas? I am VERY keen to get my hands on a few of the varieties you got there!

BTW, how many seeds "per piece"? or does per piece mean per seed?

Very nicely done. A few mispellings here and there but your site is attractive and the navigation is simple. My one question at the moment is how many seeds are there per unit?


Very nicely done. A few mispellings here and there but your site is attractive and the navigation is simple. My one question at the moment is how many seeds are there per unit?

Yes i would like to know how many seeds per unit too. This site looks like it could get popular quick.
Very nice looking website Judy. I like the navigation. Just one thing to be careful of. You may want to tread lightly when selling governmental accession peppers (i.e., Bombay Morich (i.e., TC07070 at ADVRC and CGN varieties). Material Transfer Agreements from International institutions are very clear selling is not allowed w/o sharing profit with them. Even second hand transfer is an issue. I would never put myself in that situation. Of course, it's your business so feel free to do what you deem best. Good luck with everything!

Congratulations Judy! Looks like you put alot of work and heart into this venture. I will be one of your loyal customers soon. :woohoo:
Hmmm, not getting a confirmation email for my shopping cart account and it's been nearly two hours now. Thought it may have been my junk filter playing up so I tried with my other email addy (that doesn't have junk filter) and still nothing. Is the delay normal?
Excellent looking site. The navigation alone made me realize I'm going to need more garden space than I originally thought..
Nice initiative :)
Always nice to see ppl preserving and sharing varieties.

I have a little question, not really about the site, but something i've read in the brazilian starfish description (i'm growing it for the first time this year).
You say that baccatums are best used when immature and i've read this in other different places... but i've never read the reason why.
The starfish tastes so sweet and fruity, i find it strange to eat it immature or maybe it already tastes like this when immature ? or is this related to heat level ?
Nice initiative :)
Always nice to see ppl preserving and sharing varieties.

I have a little question, not really about the site, but something i've read in the brazilian starfish description (i'm growing it for the first time this year).
You say that baccatums are best used when immature and i've read this in other different places... but i've never read the reason why.
The starfish tastes so sweet and fruity, i find it strange to eat it immature or maybe it already tastes like this when immature ? or is this related to heat level ?
the aroma in the c.Bccatum is very sto\rong when its green and fresh i found that its the best way to eat most c.baccatum is green fresh but when they turn red-yellow... the heat will be turned down bcz the pod will taste more to the sweet side ... so if you want good tasting fresh pepper from daily use i would say green c,baccatum
Hmmm, not getting a confirmation email for my shopping cart account and it's been nearly two hours now. Thought it may have been my junk filter playing up so I tried with my other email addy (that doesn't have junk filter) and still nothing. Is the delay normal?
iam not sure if you should recive confirmation letter bcz to rigister is an option not amust to order now incase there is any tech. problem i will get back with the builder so we can fix it and we cant till unless the orders go though but thanx for letting me know
PepperLover ..... Excellent site , very attractive , clean , easy to get around , a nice professional job.

What types of payment do you except ?

Peace and Good Luck with you're new endeavor,
P. Dreadie