Dream Pods - Thanks AJ

These are what I've hunted for over the years. A PERFECT looking Red Scotch Bonnet. AlabamaJack got a lucky cross from his yellow Foodarama Scotch Bonnet seeds (originally supplied by another seed vendor). Sometimes lucky crosses are where it's at. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they look similar in 2012 because i like them a lot!!


even a blind hog finds an acorn every now and then Chris...(talking abgout myself)

I am going to overwinter this plant to make sure I can get more next year...lets keep our fingers crossed for 2012 offspring...
I'm looking forward to trying the Foodarama, I have a plant from AJ that has pods on it now. To bad these things can't just ripen over night haha

i have seeds for what was supposed to be a West Indian red Hab that turned out looking just like this??
These are what I've hunted for over the years. A PERFECT looking Red Scotch Bonnet. AlabamaJack got a lucky cross from his yellow Foodarama Scotch Bonnet seeds (originally supplied by another seed vendor). Sometimes lucky crosses are where it's at. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they look similar in 2012 because i like them a lot!!



Congrats on finally obtaining that which you have waited patiently for Chris! (Or maybe not so patiently ;) )

These Scotch Bonnet forms/shapes seem to be quite popular topics for discussion among THP members, from the few threads that i've read on the subject here.

I've always thought that Scotch Bonnets came in red and yellow, but i don't recall ever seeing any true bonnet shaped red colored peppers, even though a few habanero shaped pods are also called Scotch Bonnets.

But maybe that will change for the better with this recent find by AJ.

And best of luck with those seeds and next year's crop of Red Bonnets! :cool:

I've always thought that Scotch Bonnets came in red and yellow, but i don't recall ever seeing any true bonnet shaped red colored peppers, even though a few habanero shaped pods are also called Scotch Bonnets.

Hey dvg...there are a couple from Jamaica called the Jamaican Red Hot and Jamaican Yellow Hot that have the bonnet shape but they are annuum species...this is a chinense and from what it seems, the red chinense Scotch Bonnets are few and far between...even the Big Sun Scotch Bonnet is not tam shaped...I have heard people talk about the TFMs or something like that but have never seen them so I can't say whether they have the tam shape or not...

lets hope they grow true and we can have a little red chinense bonnet for all of us here on THP...