watering Drip irrigation ebay

I have recently purchased a drip irrigation kit from ebay. Seemed pretty low quality but i assume it will get the job done. Traditional drip irrigation just wouldn't cut it for me as I am growing primarily in pots, provided are 25 meters of tubing, 30 drip nozzles, 30 stakes (for securing things), 30 t connectors, 3 faucet connectors and an adapter. 
I put a link if anyone is interested I will probably do a review once it is here...
As I said this is what works for me and my conditions.
Also, if you calculate the cost attaching one plant to the system is .83333 dollars, of course a simple hose would cost much less but I like the way this looks. I am estimating that this will serve me a minimum of 3 seasons as is, with the adaptors failing first (low quality orings)
This is really cheap!
I have been looking into drip irrigation, and only knew about "Tropf Blumat". A system like that would cost around 90-100$. However it is very cleverly designed. The nozzles you use apply water only when the ground starts to go drier than what you've preset. I guess it works using capillary forces. It's just so expensive... http://www.blumat-shop.de/index.php?language=en
So if this system you've bought actually works i'd be quite interested! Or maybe you could just buy the expensive tropf-blumat triclers and pair them with the hosing from the ebay system.
The tropf blumat website seems to sell individual thingies (nozzles) So you could just buy the amount you need and buy tubing in a hardware or pet store (or in the best place which is a shop for plant stuff). These are relatively cheap a piece coming in at 3 euros (3.1 dollars for the yanks, your currency has grown!) 

Keep in mind that it is much cheaper to just do some tubes with holes and drip that stuff. But it is much more inconvenient when using pots. I can't wait to review this. 
ErolDude said:
Keep in mind that it is much cheaper to just do some tubes with holes and drip that stuff. But it is much more inconvenient when using pots. I can't wait to review this. 
That is why the self-regulation of something like those "capillary-activated-nozzles" are a great thing for pots. You never over-water.
But im concerned that they might get clogged when using fertilizer in the reservoir?
I am undoubtebly sure that these will not go well with crystalline fertilizer (crystals you dissolve in water). Also it seems more like a gimmick than something useful. Since the ebay thing can be adjusted too so you get drop by drop which makes it impossible to overwater (once fine tuned ofc)
I can see that you can tune the drip system from eBay, however it doesn't self regulate. It doesn't adjust to the environment. With more light/heat more water is required. I wrote to them and asked about fertilizer, and it shouldn't be a problem for the drip type blumat, in which the cones merely act as moisture probes.
I've used tropf blumats for a couple years now and like them.  I grow organically myself so I just run plain water, but I know they don't clog with standard salt fertilizers if you use a product called drip clean.  You can get blumats cheaply at costco now, and sometimes on ebay.