Drought - Hah

that Hinze dam never even looked like going dry...thats why they're putting a pipe through now.
Haven't had any rain here for 4 hours and when I walk in the yard water seeps up around my feet. Looks like all the new drainage is working that they put in around here. Can still walk in the park down the road where the rest of my suburb used to be before the '74 floods.
Ahhhh the lady bug eating the chilli eating critters!

Good theory... i waways cought ladybugs and let them go. I found it on my chilli and picked ot off and the hole in the pod was directly under its mouth. It was chowing down on nothing other than a half grown chocolate habanero so it died a suitable death!

I now exterminate them on sight.

Still raining here........ i have pumped my pool out twice so far and there is 4 inched forcast for tomorrow. Ive tipped 2 inches out of the rain guage yesterday and 3 inches today. All the plants in pots have been put in a rain shelteres spot to let them dry out a bit.

At least some things are enjoying all the water.
Just noticed one of my pumpkin vines has jumped the fence and climbed a neighbours tree. Its up about 20' in the air.

BobsYourUncle said:
Still raining... I think we've had over 50mm (2 inches) so far today...

Just said on the news the dams are up to 30% woohoo....and going to rain all night again

DevilDuck said:
They're probably poisonous too!! :lol:
BobsYourUncle said:
A friend of a friend of mine lost a small dog to a swarm of them once ;)
I find that a little hard to believe Bobs....

....everyone knows they prefer cattle.
30% i'm gonna have a long shower hell I'm gonna let it run first to warm the room up. lol

seriously though my nanna was at somerset visiting friends yesterday and said they had the spillover gate open man that hasn't happened in about 7 years.
it had 6 inch long claws.......fangs spitting venom and great nashin teeth!!!!!!

oh wait.... that was the wife hehe

my orange habs are splitting around the top as they ripen from all the water so they get picked and frozen as soon as they ripen.

more rain to come too

bentalphanerd said:
Just said on the news the dams are up to 30% woohoo

the dams are only 30% full WOW I didnt know you guys are in that dyer need of water :shocked:

oh yea sorry for going off subject but bent your sami's (sp?) (orange chiles) I saw some orange chiles that sort of look like them, I dont know if you found out their true name or not yet, but in one of my books they call them " phrik leuang" rare outside of thailand. just thought I'd mention it & maybe help findout the name of them or maybe not if you already know ?
chilehunter said:
the dams are only 30% full WOW I didnt know you guys are in that dyer need of water :shocked:

oh yea sorry for going off subject but bent your sami's (sp?) (orange chiles) I saw some orange chiles that sort of look like them, I dont know if you found out their true name or not yet, but in one of my books they call them " phrik leuang" rare outside of thailand. just thought I'd mention it & maybe help findout the name of them or maybe not if you already know ?

Thanks chilehunter. I found a blog with a picture although they didn't mention the name. I sent a message & asked.
They do look very orange compared to my very yellow ones, also mine range in size to almost 3 times those.

oh, ok I just didnt know what size your sami (sp?) was but I thought they were orange not yellow. I'm just trying to help you find the true name of the chile IF the name you call it is not the real name (I remember you asking what it was before) so I just put that name out there that might give you another name to check out.
Closest I ever got was the Thai Dragon but they're red. So I called them Thai Golden Dragon :lol: It's one of the great mysteries of chillidom. Also one of my favourite plants.
One day someone will know what it is.
chilehunter said:
what you gonna do when they say " yea I KNOW what that chile is! its a "Bent Siam" !! :shocked::doh::lol:

Charge em a dollar for saying it of course ;)

stillmanz said:
a link to bents chilli no pic though under siam chilli

Wow...I was starting to think I even dreamed up the Siam thing but there it is (and the internet is never wrong)
The Indo-Chinese reference is interesting maybe its not from Thailand after all at least not in recent history.

Thunder lightning fire & brimstone here this afternoon. Thunder that made the windows rattle. How you other aussies coping?