Drought - Hah

wet here. backyard is an under water paridise chillis in ground now starting to look sad. weeds however look very happy.
Dams at 34% :shocked: put on 4% overnight. Somerset is almost in flood.

I got about 1/2" of water over the whole yard, pumpkin vines are trying to take over the world. Some of the leaves on them are 1 M across :lol:
Somersets is full. with run off to come.... wivenhoe has got more than they say in it too.
They just tellin us its low still so we don't go on a shower rampage lol. We still need level 5 restrictions because the infrastructures not there, I just wish they wouldn't tell us lies like we are children that can't be trusted were in a drought yes but the dam region is gonna flood thats going to be hard to explain ... Toogoolawah, Esk and Moore flooded in, but dams still at 30 percent... lol .
Bent/Stillmanz...how much average rainfall per year do you guys get?
I'm not sure about yearly rainfall AJ but that link bent put up is agood place to start.

My dad lives at Toogoolawah thats smack between Somerset and Wivenhoe. they all under. You gotta remember Wivenhoe hasn't ever reallybeen full its there in case anothe 1974 flood comes along. If they are opening the gates at somerset whch they are thats more than 70%
and then you got a day or two run off plus whatever falls from here to then thats alot of water.
Hpefully it keeps rainin though just not neccessarily at my house forat least a day or two.lol
I went around wivenhoe a year or so ago & they were doubling the size of the wall then. Also travelled around where they're going to put that new one in up at the Mary River. That thing is going to be monstrous.

AJ it depends what you mean by average. Last 10 years are very different to the previous 100.
It has to be, they let 1000 people move to the south east every week for the last 5 years with no end in site, no wonder our dams went dry...and only now we think infastructure could be a problem.. We need some sort of border defences maybe a wall..protection and exclusion from the maurauding southerners. (excluding BB and tony05 naturally) lol