drying Cayanne peppers

Im new to this forum and also to growing peppers. I was wondering what is the best way to dry my cayanne peppers. I read somewhere, cant remember where, about spreading them on a cookie sheet and placing it in the oven. Unfortunately I don't remember what temp or how long. Thanks for you help.
i've never used an over so I can't really comment on that, but a dehydrator is probably your best bet. I'll even just let them sit out to dry on their own if I'm not in any hurry to use them.
Hey mate, welcome to the forum. If you can wait for them it's best to hang them up to dry - this will keep the heat and flavour better than artificial drying. People oven dry at about 120c with the oven door open, but I don't know how long for.
I have dried Jalepinos, cayenne and thai's in the oven. Spread them on a cookie sheet, place in the oven on the lowest setting and place a spoon so the door won't close all the way. It makes the house smell wonderful, you'll be hungry from the smell. After a few hours start checking to see if they are sufficiently dried.
Thanks for all help. I have one large group strung up drying slowly, but I need to get some grounding dry as soon as possible
Cayennes are some of the few peppers that air dry really well for me. Even in my humid climate I don't use a dehydrator for them, I just put them on a screen or rack and let them dry on their own, or make ristras
They'll dry twice as fast if you slice them in half. You should at least make 2 small slits down the sides and put a toothpick through them so that they'll get air inside if you're air drying them.
I like the ristras myself....