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Been using a dehydrator to dry some of my ghost peppers around 110* i have noticed that they seems to go thru a sticky wax state can you tell me if this is normal or not? It takes me about 2-3 days to dry them even if i punch a hole in them. And they get really crunchie to touch. Thanks Lon
ditto what joyner said..dont just punch hole in them, cut in half or quarters and put placenta facing up (skin down) i can dry peppers in 12-16 hours. keep trays rotated regularly if you have a cheap stackable, if you have a good one with fans in back, no worries. good luck
Anybody here know how much weight peppers lose when dried ? ( Ghost peppers,Scorpion peppers). Growing some this year and was curious thanks.
Spicyboot said:
Anybody here know how much weight peppers lose when dried ? ( Ghost peppers,Scorpion peppers). Growing some this year and was curious thanks.
Think if you search we may have answered this about 10 times. It will vary but about 1 pound fresh = 1 ounce of powder. 1 ounce of dried pods DOES NOT = 1 ounce of powder. :) If you ever wonder why powder is expensive it is a result of the labor of love required to produce GOOD powder. If you see powder cheap, could on getting what you paid for in most cases. Some great powder makers on this site! 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Think if you search we may have answered this about 10 times. It will vary but about 1 pound fresh = 1 ounce of powder. 1 ounce of dried pods DOES NOT = 1 ounce of powder. :) If you ever wonder why powder is expensive it is a result of the labor of love required to produce GOOD powder. If you see powder cheap, could on getting what you paid for in most cases. Some great powder makers on this site! 
As an engineer I fail to see how 1oz of dried =/= 1oz powder. Unless you are losing some to the grinder or the powder flies around everywhere it should equal the dried weight.
i dried mine out in the toaster over with the door cracked at 150-60* on a tray took 5 hrs flipped em about 3 hrs in   i crushed one whole pepper down in a ziplock in the corner it was smaller than the size of a dime
TheImpatientGardener said:
As an engineer I fail to see how 1oz of dried =/= 1oz powder. Unless you are losing some to the grinder or the powder flies around everywhere it should equal the dried weight.
Try it and let us know. I am a beginner and have only processed a few hundred pounds of powder.  :dance:
What about just hanging them to dry. I have one pepper i saved from the 3 that rippend  early and its just hanging..   It doesnt look much diffrent been about a week since i first hung it..  How long will it be before its completely dry?   I dont really want to use a dehydrator or a stove want it done naturally..  I just hope it doesnt spoil..