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drying methods

i was in the pepper patch today and noticed about ten really red cayenne peppers sooo i picked them ran a needle through the stem and hung them up to dry ... will this work or is there a better method of doing this.... i was thinking about a dehydrater but thought it might dry out the stems and make them hard and i would not be able to get a needle through them,,, i am looking for ways to do this other than hanging, unless hanging them is the way to do it... please feedback i need feedback people !!!!!! LOL :onfire::onfire:
I assume you want to make ristras is the reason you are concerned about he stems getting hard....if that is the case, what prevents you from stringing them before you put them in the dehydrator as long as you use cotton string/thread...
i hung them up i used a really strong string to string them up to dry is are you ready for this......FIRELINE by Berkley.. it is a really strong fishing line LOL
You can do it like you did Ristas if so I use fishing line instead string you can dehydrate or you can do it old fashion way take the seeds out ( using letex gloves)& put the seeds in paper plates to air dry in the garage or inside the house.The peppers you can put in the zip-lock bags & put in the freezer & use what ever you like at winter time or if you like you can use making a hot sauce.If you dry the pods in dehydrater you can use at winter time like chips snack & cool with beer.
You shouldn't have much problems drying cayennes, they are one of the easiest to dry. Just try to find a dry area to hang.
Last year I slit the cayennes about an inch or so and placed them on paper plates to dry out. When they were nice and crispy I used a coffee grinder that I bought specifically for peppers to avoid flavor contamination from other foods. Worked great. The resulting powder is hot as hell.
I have dried everything from Bird's Eye to Habaneros by stringing them up, so you shouldn't encounter any problems!
You shouldn't have much problems drying cayennes, they are one of the easiest to dry. Just try to find a dry area to hang.

Like Potawie said as long as it's a dry area and they have good ventilation you should be fine.
Really looking forward to trying and grinding my first peppers..then theres pickling and sauces,late summer/Autumn will be fun busy i hope :)
How about drying Bhut's? I have ripe pods now and no dehydrator.

Located in GA where it's still gets up to 80 during the day and high 50s at night.

Thanks for the help
I've been hanging them up too and have found that a slit up one or two sides will hurry up the process. Good luck!