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DUNDICUT.....From Pakistan


A friend brought a small bag of Dandicut chlli peppers from Pakistan for me . They look smaller than Mundu .

I will be munching one of them after breakfast and report how they are.

Dundicut photographs and first report


Actually, I had totally forgotten about Dundicut request I had made to my coworker who is from Karachi pakistan.
This was in 2008. He had promised to bring them when he visits his country.

I was laid off soon after and yesterday he handed over the packet out of the blue. This was a total surprise.
Thanks Syed Abedi for the peppers .

These are the peppers.



My Report

I tasted a pod and have the following to say.
Pungency is lesser than Mundu.
The heat is very good and lingers in your mouth and system .
Flavor is good and not over powering.
Color is blood red when chewed and wonderful.
There seems to be a balance of all the attributes perfectly.

Ithink people find this a shade better to use in meat cooking because it may not overpower subtle spices like cloves and cinnamons in Indi/pak cooking.
According to Mr. Syed, this is the most widely used pepper in Pakistan .

I am thinking of planting a couple of plants myself if it is not too late in April.


I saw Mundu chilli in our local Indian store. I wanted to get some because you had mentioned it but they weren't in very good quality so I passed. They were dried but had all cobweb like stuff through it like what weevils do. So I may check back there in a month or two if you think they are worth eating?
Wildfire Chilli Australia said:

I saw Mundu chilli in our local Indian store. I wanted to get some because you had mentioned it but they weren't in very good quality so I passed. They were dried but had all cobweb like stuff through it like what weevils do. So I may check back there in a month or two if you think they are worth eating?

No . Do not eat those chillies.

I should be in a position to offer complete set as posted before by next week end.

I will inform everyone then.

Naga Jolokia Addict said:
No . Do not eat those chillies.

I should be in a position to offer complete set as posted before by next week end.

I will inform everyone then.


Oh I didn't mean the weevil eaten ones! :eek: I meant if they had new ones in stock :lol:
Stomach acid kills dem little thangs.
I've seen Dundicut's at Penzey's (Midwest spice purveyor chain) and wanted to try them, just had other stuff I needed to pick up a the time. Definitely need to test sometime.
Nakana said:
I've seen Dundicut's at Penzey's (Midwest spice purveyor chain) and wanted to try them, just had other stuff I needed to pick up a the time. Definitely need to test sometime.

Very interesting to know. Do they write "DUNDICUT" on packets?

Over here , all dry peppers in Indian stores (swad, deep, Ahmed" are without any variety name.
I hope that they start writing variety names. It is so helpful.

Naga Jolokia Addict said:
Very interesting to know. Do they write "DUNDICUT" on packets?

Over here , all dry peppers in Indian stores (swad, deep, Ahmed" are without any variety name.
I hope that they start writing variety names. It is so helpful.


Yep, they label all their peppers with variety. If you go into one of the stores, they also have big jars of whatever spice, herb or pepper they sell next to the product so you can smell everything. The dundicut's have a really interesting aroma.