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DWC Grow 5 Gallon Totes Going Good

they look pretty nice.... some are weird... kinda pushing out sideways.... from the netpot.. I was actually worried about the way they were looking but it seems they are ok.

My next update is putting pea-gravel over the bubbler in there. to level out the bubbles and centrally get it located.

I'm sure the bubbles now are good but its more aesthetic to have it cleanly resting under my netpots squarely.
What hydro nutes are you using and how old are those plants? Trying to get a comparison in size for growth to my Peach Bhut that is just over a month old.

Don't quote me but I would call these 8 weeks old (I have to check, it might be 9 weeks). They went from growing to THRIVING, once I put them into hydro, less then 2 weeks ago.

I'm running 900 PPM, I have read that anything over is not needed. It seemed like a crap load of nutrients I put in, I kinda went by what the nutes said.

I'm using GH General Hydroponics, 3 part, Micro/Grow/Bloom. If I can find the sheet I wrote on I will post up my results.

I think I used a

20 ml Micro
40 ml Grow
20 ml Bloom

formulation. I'm changing nutes in the next few days i will use the same setup and test the ppm it was 900-922 for about 4 or so gallons of water in there.

I actually have a growlog software I'm setting up for free for everyone to use, I will post a link to that also.

Happy Growing...! message me if you want...
Peach bhut... I'll take a few seeds... if you have spares when they grow out.

I checked with ajijoe, but hes been busy...

What hydro nutes are you using and how old are those plants? Trying to get a comparison in size for growth to my Peach Bhut that is just over a month old.

My seed germinated on 05 Aug 2011 or the 8th? Somewhere close to that. I'm running a concentration around 450ppm and don't have near the leaf size but overall a very healthy and growing plant. Now that it's getting roots down into the water I'm seeing some pretty wicked growth over the course of a day or two. Using the Fox Farm Grow Big hydro and adding in cal-mag due to using RO water. Thinking about switching it up once this runs out.

Seeds will be no prob if you are unable to get any.

Check your PM, sent you a picture of my Peach Bhut in DWC.


5th, 7th, and 22nd, all 3 compared.

another post after... I just put up the nice reflective tape../cardboard with tape.. seems to reflect well.
Once. I get a few strong seedlings I have 4 buckets going in the front. I'm still on 24/7 lights since germinating. The experiment seems to be going well. Only a few nights the lights were not on.
My butch-T 1st in in line, had aphids on the underside of a large leaf today I went over all them practically with a magnifier and only found that one since bringing in my peppers from outside. My outdoor ones instantly went back outside I had treated them with neem oil/ soap, but pretty much killed my cayenne, lesson learned.

I sprayed that 1 leaf only and misted the bottom side of some of them, im hoping that it wont spread I caught it pretty early.

I really have to get my pepper site up to post my pictures on LOL... I have so many pictures I don't bother posting half of them.

The chocolate Bhut I pinched those buds a while ago about 15 buds, and since then now theres about 48 buds popping on it now.

I'm fairly happy with that, if they grew, I'm tempted to keep pinching but I don't want pepper monsters I want decent producing plants, about half a foot bigger then they are now, I would be happy.
I don't know WTF happened. I changed my hydro nutes (I used the recommended on the flora series nutes for flowering)and lost a ton of leaves and I have really bad yellowing and stuff.
I guess I will change the water again tonight and go back to the way I had it before and see if they do better.
When you say lost a ton of leaves... did they yellow and drop? Any issues with leaves that were showing before dropping?
