• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Well here are a few pics of my DWC grow at the moment. The seeds were sown on 17-18 Aug 2010. They are doing better than any other plants I have going at the moment. The roots are going nuts in most of these buckets but some barely have any roots at all. There will be more pics to come tomorrow when my camera's batteries are charged.

This is the biggest of them all, it's a Bhut x Giant White Hab and it stands 16-17 inches tall. Comes courtesy of a VERY generous member down in Victoria.
These pictures don't do the amount of buds any justice bud he we go.
This is not the best shot but will get more tomorow.

Some of these pics aren't focused very well but others are quite good.


I like this one, it was unintentional but i got almost all of the flowers in one shot.
Yeah I reckon the birds around my joint have a CCTV set up some where so they know just when to eat my peppers! If only I could find that damn camera!! :looksforCCTVcamera:

Good luck with the aero setup too Timmy

I hope it works out better than mine did. My aero setup (i think thats what it is), is failing hard core! I think the sprays are too high pressure and keep cutting the roots off so I'm going to buy some "misters" and see if that helps. I've had to transplant a Yellow 7 and Dorset Naga into soil so I don't lose them! But they are doing much better for it. Once I get the misters in I'll plant a few varieties that I've missed this season and see how they go.


Well I have another update! It's pretty exciting for me as this nothing even close to what I expected from this plant at all!! It's my T Scorp x Giant White Hab, It has 2 pods which I didn't notice when I did the last updat, but if you look closely enough you'll see one the pods in the previous pic.

If anyone else has grown these I sure would like some comparison pics please.

Well here is what I found....
First off, a shot of the flower, all the flowers on this plant stick up and turn like this one does.

And here is a pic of pod number one. As you see, it looks more like a bir'd eye or Tobasco... Not what I expected from a SCORPION x GIANT WHITE HAB

And pod 2 looks the same, they both stand upright.
Got a few more pods over the last few days

3 Barrackpore, with heaps of buds that are too small to take a pic of just yet.



And the Scorp x Giant White Hab has put out another pod. 3 so far but also has a lot of buds to small for pics.


This is the new one from 2 different angles


:hell: :dance: :onfire: :mouthonfire: :woohoo: