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DWC Transplant


eXtreme Business
I know it's been a couple weeks since I last posted much of anything regarding my plants, and using the DWC. so here goes. Yesterday, I transplanted the first six seedlings into my DWC system (2x Moruga, 2x Butch T, and 2x Bhut Assam), and they seemed to have taken quite well to it thus far. I was sweating bullets at first, thinking I had somehow screwed up because for the first couple hours, I sawa couple of the taller ones leaning, much like they would if I had forgotten to water them for quite a while. But once I got back from work last night, I noticed that all of them had returned to fully vertical, which was a huge relief. And full disclosure, I'll have to alter my numbers for my growlog, since one of my Reaper seedlings didn't make it. Apparently the seedcap just wouldn't come off despite my best efforts to just have the plant pop it off, so the leaves just wilted. But no matter, I still have plenty of seedlings to fill the remaining DWC pots I have, so I should be running on all cylinders in no time

And one good thing I've also noticed is that one of the Butch T's, prior to transplanting into the DWC's, had it's first true leaves yellower than I would've liked. Since putting it in yesterday, I've seen a marked improvement in it. One of the leaves is still fairly yellow, but even that leaf looks much better than yesterday.

And here's the gratuitous pics:



Bhut Assams


Butch T's

I know it's been a couple weeks since I last posted much of anything regarding my plants, and using the DWC. so here goes. Yesterday, I transplanted the first six seedlings into my DWC system (2x Moruga, 2x Butch T, and 2x Bhut Assam), and they seemed to have taken quite well to it thus far. I was sweating bullets at first, thinking I had somehow screwed up because for the first couple hours, I sawa couple of the taller ones leaning, much like they would if I had forgotten to water them for quite a while. But once I got back from work last night, I noticed that all of them had returned to fully vertical, which was a huge relief. And full disclosure, I'll have to alter my numbers for my growlog, since one of my Reaper seedlings didn't make it. Apparently the seedcap just wouldn't come off despite my best efforts to just have the plant pop it off, so the leaves just wilted. But no matter, I still have plenty of seedlings to fill the remaining DWC pots I have, so I should be running on all cylinders in no time

And one good thing I've also noticed is that one of the Butch T's, prior to transplanting into the DWC's, had it's first true leaves yellower than I would've liked. Since putting it in yesterday, I've seen a marked improvement in it. One of the leaves is still fairly yellow, but even that leaf looks much better than yesterday.

Nothing like a "fully vertical" plant to put a smile on your face, lol! Sad to read about your reaper seedlings :/ ... But in all seriousness elcap1999 very nice babies and great luck with your 1213 grow season :)
Thank you :) Once I got home, I chalked up their initial wilting (for want of a better word) to the shock of going from a growing tray with very warm water, to the DWC where the water was ~75 degrees
It's supposed to be at the bottom of the cup once the roots make their way into the water allowing a small air gap but I found with seedlings I had to raise the water up to the bottom of the roots or they would get leaf curl. Either way the water is too high in my opinion on most of those - bottom of root :)
I realize the water level's a bit high, but only because I had just filled up the DWC with a few gallons immediately prior to putting the seedlings in since they were all over an inch below the net pot. Like WalkGood, the water's been evaporating at a fairly good rate (despite being inside, they're still in the warmest room in my apartment), so I figure inside of a week, it'll be back to the level it needs to be for these guys to get their roots going. I've already marked the levels on my water level indicator, or snorkel as I've affectionately called it.

And you're right, Super David, I'm extremely pleased with the pump and airstones I have in those DWC's. I've been running it at full blast for a while now, just to make sure the water/nutrient mix inside is well aerated :)
I realize the water level's a bit high, but only because I had just filled up the DWC with a few gallons immediately prior to putting the seedlings in since they were all over an inch below the net pot. Like WalkGood, the water's been evaporating at a fairly good rate (despite being inside, they're still in the warmest room in my apartment), so I figure inside of a week, it'll be back to the level it needs to be for these guys to get their roots going. I've already marked the levels on my water level indicator, or snorkel as I've affectionately called it.

And you're right, Super David, I'm extremely pleased with the pump and airstones I have in those DWC's. I've been running it at full blast for a while now, just to make sure the water/nutrient mix inside is well aerated :)
thats the way to do it! I doubt its possible to over oxygenate! I've got a nice air pump in my dwc carolina reaper and there are tons of bubbles! its loving it!
That was the idea. This weekend, I'll be filling up the rest of the DWC's with seedlings, and letting these peppers grow, baby grow! And being that the New Year is in a few days, it'll give me a good way to time how quickly these guys grow in the DWC's
Huh, I've never seen water evaporate that fast, even at 80 degrees in my grow area the water level stays pretty consistent up to 2 weeks, and those are only 2gal buckets for me.
The room I have my DWC in does tend to get warm on account of having all my computer stuff in there as well and running most of the day, and I've had the water level go from several inches above the bottom, to about an inch under inside of 10 days.
What nutrient are you using if you don't mind me asking and what concentration for seedlings like these? They look great so far btw.
If you start having algae growth in the buckets you'll probably need to add more hydroton to the net pots to stop the light from getting into the res. I just learned that the hard way...
If you start having algae growth in the buckets you'll probably need to add more hydroton to the net pots to stop the light from getting into the res. I just learned that the hard way...

Only if its green algae growth. And you could also try adding some hydrogen peroxide if you can't block anymore light from getting in.
Only if its green algae growth. And you could also try adding some hydrogen peroxide if you can't block anymore light from getting in.

Really? My algae was somewhere between white and a pale yellow but i just assumed it was bad. It did stop up some of my air stones but other than that is it not harmful unless green?
Really? My algae was somewhere between white and a pale yellow but i just assumed it was bad. It did stop up some of my air stones but other than that is it not harmful unless green?

Its not that only green algae is harmful, but that only green algae indicates a light problem. In order for the algae to be green, it needs to be able to photosynthesize, thus the light leakage.

Other algae (such as brown or in your case yellow and white), indicates that the algae is simply living off of your nutrients. It can still be harmful to your plants, and you should put a small amount of hydrogen peroxide in your reservoir to counteract it.
Ok that makes sense. I usually add h2o2 every week so I really can't think of where the algae came from. That's the first time it happened and hasn't been back since i cleaned it out
I'm currently using a liquid nutrient mix called Pure Blend Grow. I just did the recommended amount (1 teaspoon per gallon), and did the math, since my main DWC is 50 gallons total...