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water DWC Water replacement


eXtreme Business
Silly question... How often is it good to replace the water in a DWC?
Usually depends on many things; reservoir size, type of media, ph, ec, type of water, type of nutes...  Many things.  BUT, generally a week to 10 days is considered standard for many.  I do up to 3 weeks on a lot of mine and on some never actually change it out just keep adding till end of season, save a lot of waste nutrients.  
Good to know, thanks! I haven't changed out the water in my DWC, and the water was getting pretty rank (and stank) in there. I used water filtered with Brita, and General Hydro liquid nutes. I'll definitely have to empty it out in the next few months because it'll just be easier to transport it up to Jupiter when I move in October...
The problem with not totally changing the water every so often is that you have no idea which nutes are getting used up and which are still in the water so you have no way of knowing what to add.
I use my old nute water on the tomato bed so that it isn't wasted.
Thanks all. I made the mistake of having my hydro system indoors, on account of the fact that the apartment manager frowns on even potted plants outside our apartments, she'd probably call the cops on me if I had a DWC outdoors. However, once I move to Jupiter, it'll be outdoors 24/7, so changing the water out won't be a problem then.