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Dying Chili Pepper Buds

recent re-pot? maybe some of your native soil had weed killer in it or other nasties. a slight breeze can also carry weed killer pretty far. a small dose of overspray could cause a slow death (slow compared to direct application).

are you watering with tap water? is it city or well? if city, it may have a high chlorine which might cause this with a heavy watering sched in your heat.

just some more thoughts. good luck.
It wasn't a recent repotting, no. I think the repotting I had done had been... a month, maybe two earlier. There wasn't any weed poison in the ground then. The backyard was sprayed after that, and I made sure my plants were safe inside for a few days after that.

I am using tap water, and it is city water, but it's not high chlorine.
Any idea on what counts as "good" soil? Last time I just picked up a bag of fruiting plant potting soil from Wal-Mart (and with as much ambiguity as there is in this whole sickness, for all I know could be the cause. I doubt it, but then who's to say for certain?) But I'll give that mix a try. Thank you.
Good Soil is subjective I make my own,I used to use Jungle Growth until I started mixing my own.