• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dyl's first grow

This spring marks my first attempt at a serious grow. I've been reading and studying on Caspicums and hoping to grow a large patch of plants.
I am actually 4 monthes into the grow, I started back in January. I think I will post a few pictures of the process so far and hopefully each picture is worth 1000 words.
Back in January I ordered seeds from Pepper Joe's, mostly a mix of Jalapeno, Habanero and a few exotics (Bhut Jolokia, Fatalii).
I picked a mix of 15 varieties to grow, with a total of 127 seeds.
January 21st was the start, where I soaked seeds overnight before putting them in rockwool blocks. I tried adjusting the pH with lemon as suggested but since I used the liquid pH test I'm sure it wasnt very accurate. I wanted to buy a pH meter stick but they're $$$.
The first batch of soaks:

Eventually all seeds got soaked overnight.

Closed them up, set the heating pad to 81degs F, left a space heater to keep it warm, and closed the closet.

I did peek every once in a while to check. And realized I had made my first mistake, not turning on the light once they started germinating. Derp! Notice how yellow the leaves are and how long the hypocotyls grew as the plant searched for light. They turned green the following day after the light went on. I used a 4-bulb T5 light hanging from above, with two more T5s on the sides.

By February 5th, I counted 72 seeds that had fully developed cotyledons.
When a seed had roots past the bottom of the rockwool cube, it was transplanted into a 4" pot:

I've lost some pictures in this time span, but on March 6th I had moved 32 seeds into 4" pots, and a number of germinated plants started dying. I suspect my use of regular tap water and poor management of pH did it. I also had issues with a white mold growing across the cubes.
By March 15th, 37 seeds in 4" pots. At this point some of the plants in the 4" pots where showing roots coming out the bottom and that's when I transplanted them into #5 pots. I used a mix of 1:1 FoxFarm OceanForest and Coir.

In april I noticed a number of plants were dying off when the stem down near the rockwool narrowed. It's weird to explain without a picture but I'm wondering if moving them around too much has caused rockwool fibers to irritate and kill the stem. The stem just above the rockwool was thicker.
Eventually, I was left with 21 plants and one more in a 4" pot. I added a quick&dirty drip system as I had to leave for a week.

The latest shot, as of today:

The Giant Jalapeno are doing well:

As are the fresno:

There are 4 Fresnos, 2 early jalapeno, 1 giant jalapeno, 6 tazmanian habanero, 3 chocolate habs, 2 bhut jolokias, 1 fatalii, 2 unknown habs, and one white hab still in a 4" pot.
I've been fighting aphids, but I usually see a ladybug or two so they're not taking over.
I just noticed some of the fresnos are tilting dangerously, it's been windy lately. Time to get some cages.

I suspect another reason so many sprouts died is due to the use of rockwool and not feeding them fertilizer soon enough. I saw that they'd only need feeding once the cotyledons were fully developed and started feeding them a weak fertilizer but I'm wondering if it was too weak. I didnt want to burn them.

Good progress, especially from the shaky start! Glad to see that they all pulled through the initial 'oh crap' move! Looks like you'll be sittin pretty in a month to two.
Just found a huge hornworm chomping away. There were some little round eggs that I didn't identify and left them in case they were beneficial. Big mistake. Now back to killing on sight.
Found a total of 3 hornworms and a large moth! Chased the moth around the yard until it landed under some leaves which were stomped on with great vigour and satisfaction.
dylandn said:
Just found a huge hornworm chomping away. There were some little round eggs that I didn't identify and left them in case they were beneficial. Big mistake. Now back to killing on sight.
Found a total of 3 hornworms and a large moth! Chased the moth around the yard until it landed under some leaves which were stomped on with great vigour and satisfaction.
:D I can easily see doing that.
Someone's going to make a killing if they market a "Pepper Guard" device one day.
Hypothesis on the stem wilting. I had a similar problem (though from top watering) on the 'maters. Perhaps the rockwool is wicking water towards the stem?
The plants look great! good work!
Also that drip system probably works like a charm too. Not too much to think about on simple systems like that.
Great glog man! I hoping for updates. Pepperjoe's giant jal is a great performer on my end too. You going to plant in ground or stay in containers?
Update... I've just been watching it grow, happy I'm doing something right! Feeding it once a week, watering 2 days a week.
There are pods growing left and right, some of the plants still have zero pods, not sure what's going on.
Every two.5 weeks, this much of jalapeno and fresno picked. The fresno are just out of control.

Tazmanian habanero look happy.

At least 10 more pods on this taz hab.

I've got a mystery going on. I started with 10 seeds of Bhut Jolokia, only 3 remain. But of those 3 one does not look like the others. Different color foliage, also different glossy/flatness of the leaves. Based on other pictures of BJs, it looks like I have two BJs and one unknown. Here's the peppers growing on the unknown:

Anybody recognize?
Not sure what kind of bug this is, beneficial?

Little mantis on a habanero (I forget which hab).

They're staying in pots for now, I want to overwinter my favorite ones. 5gal pots this year, 7 next year, 15 gal after? :)
hum.. just googled the taz hab and compared to what i have labelled as taz hab, absolutely not the same. Now i have no idea what they are. pretty sure I kept the labels sorted out correctly during the whole process.
dylandn said:
hum.. just googled the taz hab and compared to what i have labelled as taz hab, absolutely not the same. Now i have no idea what they are. pretty sure I kept the labels sorted out correctly during the whole process.
Interesting..... Wonder what it will end up lookin and tasting like?
Just curious, how do green fresnoes taste I've grown them twice and never did taste an unripe one. I know I always have to grow multiple jalapeños so I can eat green ones but still have a least one whole plant dedicated to ripe pods! Your grow is looking great after all your early stumbles I wish you tons of success!
I'm pretty sure that's a ladybug larve. And those have the right dimensions and the bumpy skin of a ghost yet they are curled upward.....weird
(weird merge_too_many_img)
I spaced the plants out yesterday, they were getting crowded and starting to compete for sunshine. Alternating rows of 3, patched the dripsys.

More harvested since last time, still only jalapeno & fresno.

I just threw the vast majority of these into a jar with some pickling brine. I did throw about a pound onto the grill when we were making burgers last weekend, but I was the only one who added a layer of peppers to his burger. Two other peeps just nibbled on a single pepper. Oh well.
Update: The day after spacing the plants out, all of the Fresno peppers got hit with sun scalding. None of the other peppers are affected. I picked and composted all the scalded pods, there are plenty more.
That 5cm pod pictured above has now reached 6cm, and it's not the only one:
Awsome!!! your plants are very uniform. I have a few growing large like yours but allot of mine are in different stages and of different sizes. You are nailing this grow. The drip system seems to be working amazingly. Congrats on all your early peppers too.