E-cigs in the grow room... Propylene Glycol and Gycerin. No Fruit

I found a science fair project from Joel F. It was from 2003-4. Here is the link http://www.all-science-fair-projects.com/print_project_1029_120?print=small-12 . Anyway, good on him for the work ! Hope he is an engineer by now !
His project may not have anything to do with my question... but what do I know.
I have been struggling with my indoor grow, and getting my plants to produce quality flowers so that I can have peppers. The flowers are growing, but they are also dropping consistently.
This is a hydro grow, and not my first. Every time I grow hydro, I never get any fruit. I have tried cutting back the nutes, keeping the temps low, hand pollinating, etc.  No matter what I do I can't get the flowers to produce fruit.
So I sat back and wondered what it was about my internal environment that was different than the outdoor environment. The only two things I come up with are... the nutes, and that I smoke E-cigs in my grow room.
The question is..... does anyway have either experience with E-cigs in the grow room, or................... Sh!t I don't know.  Anything would be helpful.
Thanks All,
Some nice research, but I'd be keen to find out if his research was in fact based on propylene glycol.
He talks about the effect of antifreeze for the experiment and although PG has properties useful to lowering the freezing point of water ethylene glycol (antifreeze) does a far better job.
If you using E-Cigs around plants I'd be more concerned about tobacco mosaic virus if you using nicotine.
Edit - Did a full read and it's most interesting. The antifreeze he used is a "safer" alternative that does use PG.
I'd try giving them more time. If I recall correctly, you have a nice system with a decent light, so maybe just try giving the plants more time? My reaper outdoors took from March-end of September to produce fruit, so I could see why yours may be taking their time.
I don't vape indoor but I vape on my balcony where all my plants are. I blow huge clouds on to my plants while checking them out. On my balcony i like vape like a steam engine. Didn't notice anything wrong other than a lingering strawberry yogurt ejuice smell.They seem to be doing pretty good. I use a high Vg ejuice though.
I think thinking of e-cigs here might be a stretch...

I am surprised you didn't mention the likely biggest difference to outdoors: Your LIGHT.

What lights are you using, and at how many light hours per day?
Also..what nutes are you giving? Although I think nutes are less likely the reason.

I grew peppers in semi-hydro (hempies) with perlite/vermiculite, in soil, coco, indoors and outdoors...and I never had them not fruiting.
So something very essential must be off with your grow.
flexy123 said:
I think thinking of e-cigs here might be a stretch...

I am surprised you didn't mention the likely biggest difference to outdoors: Your LIGHT.

What lights are you using, and at how many light hours per day?
Also..what nutes are you giving? Although I think nutes are less likely the reason.

I grew peppers in semi-hydro (hempies) with perlite/vermiculite, in soil, coco, indoors and outdoors...and I never had them not fruiting.
So something very essential must be off with your grow.
Flexy, as to the E-Cigs, it was more an inquiry than a hypothesis.  I know that the E-Cig juice loves to stick onto my poly storage bins that i have in the grow room so I assume that it will stick to anything statically charged.
For lighting I am using 315W LEC lamps. For the full details see http://thehotpepper.com/topic/66093-new-setup-hots/
Lights were on 18 and off 6. I recently changed to a 14 on and 10 off.  I also cut the nutes (nitrogen) down quite a lot. Nutes are General Hydroponics Flora series. 
As for what is "off" in my grow, that is what I'm trying to isolate.
Thanks for the reply !!