Early flowering

Hello. The growth this year has been vastly improved from the past years. The good thing is that I seem to grasp the organic growing of peppers. But its also giving me a headache. I need to pinch loads of flower buds every day. 
1: the plants are 1 month and 22 days old from the day the seeds went in the ground
2: most of the non super hots create flower buds, non of the super hots
3: most of the plants are around 20 - 35cm tall
4: they are not root bound, I checked every single plant with flower buds. 
Any suggestions ? 
It's an normal thing, I'm facing the same problem every year because we need to start earlier because our season is shorter. I just keep on pinching of the buds otherwise the yield will be smaller when you do plant them out or put them outside. My Superhots are already getting buds while they aren't even 8 weeks old.
Same here - just keep on pinching! :)
I've left a few on just so I can (try to) get a small but early crop, been too long since I last had any fruit!
It´s normal, yes, but the intensity is really bad this year. I pick around 30 - 50 of them each day! Especially that El Jeffe from you Meatfreak. Those plants just have one thing on their mind. GROW FLOWERS :)
arcticchili said:
It´s normal, yes, but the intensity is really bad this year. I pick around 30 - 50 of them each day! Especially that El Jeffe from you Meatfreak. Those plants just have one thing on their mind. GROW FLOWERS :)
Yeah it's a very productive variety, one of the best I've grown from all the Jalapeño's so far. Also very tasty and hot for an Jalapeño ;)
Since I got your attention here, some of my plants (annanas noire, ant gerts) from you develop very crisp leaves and some of them drying up. Do they need any special attention or feed than other tomatoes ? Ad the new batch of seeds sprouted like champs, 100%! The white beauty is living its own life, growing more than any other tomato plant :)
arcticchili said:
Since I got your attention here, some of my plants (annanas noire, ant gerts) from you develop very crisp leaves and some of them drying up. Do they need any special attention or feed than other tomatoes ? Ad the new batch of seeds sprouted like champs, 100%! The white beauty is living its own life, growing more than any other tomato plant :)
They don't, sounds more like the leaves didn't adjust to dryer air? Lower humidity perhaps? That's the only reason I can think of, I got a couple of plants that have the same that you describe but I wouldn't worry to much. The cotyledons most of the time dry up here as well and fall off. If they don't I remove them myself :) Good to hear about the new batch! I got about 30 extra plants to give away now :lol:
Ok, but have a look here. All of them are like that, the only tomatoes like that are the Aunt Gerts Gold
Any advice??

If its too much water, then why is it only one strain affected? They all receive the same amount. The others are healthy and even start making flowers. 
so that the plant can continue using energy on growth. This is while they are inside, when they are moved outside in their final pots they are left to them selfs ;) 