I recently saw my RA doctor and he told me to start using capsaicin cream on my joints as I am already taking four drugs for it and that doesn't quite do it. They had me try CBD two years ago and that did nothing. I just picked up the cream so I will see how that goes.
skullbiker said:
Love those UK tabloids! Below are excerpts from above and my comments...
US researchers reviewed data four previous studies in China, Iran, Italy and the US (Did they have an Iranian translator?)
capsaicin consumption appears to have wide health benefits -additional studies will be needed to find out which peppers are best (So what did the US researchers study/conclude?)
Previous studies have also indicated that eating chilli reduces the risk of a host of illnesses — These studies were were conducted where-Iraq?
 it is impossible to conclusively say eating more chilli pepper can prolong life and reduce deaths, especially from cardiovascular factors or cancer.(Come on! Surely a study could be conducted in Mozambique and a doctor from Wales analyze it?)
peppersproutfarm said:
I read a study several years back from a doctor out of Canada that talked about the inflammation properties and how it can help with digestive problems such as hemorrhoids. It is no surprise to me that it also helps with tumors as well.
Preparation H.jpg
peppersproutfarm said:
I read a study several years back from a doctor out of Canada that talked about the inflammation properties and how it can help with digestive problems such as hemorrhoids. It is no surprise to me that it also helps with tumors as well.
I had no idea hemorrhoids were a digestive problem!  I guess that next time I have them I'll have to skip the proctologist!!!!!