Hah. One of my best friends saw this and told me about it. It really brings back memories. My first whole super was a red Moruga, and man did I ever regret it...er, enjoy it thoroughly and not see what all the fuss was about. Yeah, that's what I meant.
My best advice would be two eat it with two liverwurst and onion sandwiches, heavy on the onions, and a six-pack of warm beer. Not that it'll help you in any way, but if you're going to be miserable, might as well share the fun with everyone in a five-block radius, earning yourself the nickname "Chernobyl" in the process.
You're probably going to get the hiccups. You almost certainly won't barf (after all, you're not Ted), but I guess it's possible. Personally, they make me drool a lot and I can't talk. Come what may, you've got guts (until afterwards, anyway). I'll hopefully be out of work and watching. Good luck!
I haven't discussed it publicly much, but I've been tinkering with a big, bad Moruga cross. In honor of John's endeavor (if he's okay with it), I think we have my first named cross (or will, once I get to F8): The Morgue Scorpion.