Eating hot and superhot peppers

Hello all,
I am in the midst of my first real grow this season.  I have always liked hot, spicy foods but I know that I am far from being able to eat a fresh hot pepper.  Recently a friend and I ate a slice of a habanero pepper.  I thought this would be a good place to start.  Definitely thought it was hot.  Had some milk and ice cream and that helped.  Now, the next move is the whole habanero.  Is there something I can do prior to eating the pepper that will help my stomach handle the whole pepper?  I have no problems (at least I think I don't) with experiencing the heat, I know that in time it will go away.  I am mostly concerned with it coming back up.  It frightens me to think that is a possibility but I have heard that can happen.  That must be one of the most painful things and I hope to avoid that as much as possible.  Any tips on preparing to eat the chilis, either mental or physical is greatly appreciated.  I hope to build up to eating a superhot someday.  Any thoughts on how long it will take before I can eat one of them without fear of vomiting?  Or is that a possibility always?
bahaha, O-ring of fire, indeed, AJ. But yes, try to have some bread or something in your stomach. It is also good, in my opinion, to cook them into food to build up a tolerance. I have found that cooking the habs cuts the heat a bit and can make it bearable. Like anything else, doing too much too early can lead to unwanted outcomes. When I first started eating spicy, I would dice up habs or other peppers and mix them in with hamburger meat for burgers, add them into soups, add them to taco meat, add them to grilled cheese, you get the idea. It doesn't take long before you're chomping on whole habaneros in front of terrified onlookers that can barely handle a jalapeno.
To date, I have never had any peppers come back up. Have only had misery on the other end lol.
I am loving all of the responses thus far and I especially like the Johnny Cash reference.  I am hoping that I have built up some tolerance although that remains to be seen.  The hottest thing I have eaten recently was a Burheato from Salsaritas.  For those that don't know what it is, it is basically a standard Chicken Burrito but with Smokin' Ed's The Reaper sause spread all over it.  I thought to myself "how hot can it be if it is sold by a fast food chain" so I went for it.  They included a pair of thin plastic gloves to use while eating the burrito, which was a nice touch.  I did experience the heat immediately with the first bite.  After I finished the Burheato, tears were running down my face.  Later in the afternoon, my stomach just felt warm.  Evening time was when it came out the other end.  When it did, I realized that I had a colon, because it was on fire.  That heat lasted about 5-10 mins...
I know that I cannot compare eating a whole habanero to eating some hot sauce, but I guess I have an idea as to what can happen.  I would guess that a whole hab will be hotter.  No matter what, it will be an experience.  I have committed to eating a whole hab at a party coming up this weekend. 
Most of eating a fresh pepper comes with knowing what to expect when you finally do it.
The first whole hab will probably be a bit of a shock, but then there are no more surprises. The first naga or 7 pot will be sort of the same thing, just a few levels up. Once you know you can handle it, there's really nothing ever terribly different after that first super hot. Just a little more heat, and maybe more duration.
If you want to build tolerance gently, get yourself some pepper powder, and just add a little to everything you eat. You won't fight with the cap cramps that way, and you'll still be able to taste things. You can tackle as much heat as you want that way with control.
you know, I really don't see the point in putting yourself in that much pain...endorphin betcha...stomach betcha...
I can take a little medicine and get the endorphin rush without any pain at all... ;)
eating fresh pods is going to put a hurt on your LIT, no matter what you do youll be whistling dixie backwards by the end of it
Having the pepper come back up is why I haven't been on here much, I am pretty new to the super hots too and really like them but some times I have to toss everything I eat as it wont go down right, I sure hate to have a super Hot pepper do that. LOL   Last year I started with small slices of super hots from Pepperlovers and hope this year I can try bigger slices.  Yep I am a chicken lol 
Get that fixed and youll be on your way
Mr. Hill said:
Having the pepper come back up is why I haven't been on here much, I am pretty new to the super hots too and really like them but some times I have to toss everything I eat as it wont go down right, I sure hate to have a super Hot pepper do that. LOL   Last year I started with small slices of super hots from Pepperlovers and hope this year I can try bigger slices.  Yep I am a chicken 
Build your tolerance slowly. Super hots can put you in a panick fast.
If you have not been eating hot peppers for a long while there is no reason to dive into the big boy pool. Increase your tolerance then increase the heat, it will be much more enjoyable that way. habaneros really have no heat compared to the big boys, so be careful.
Have some food in your stomach, particularly something with a fair amount of fat (oil counts too) in it.
Dive in.  Eat the pepper.  If the heat becomes too much, sip on a cold glass of milk or a milkshake for a while.  However there is no need to graduate from half a pod to a whole one at this point.  If you feel half of one is pretty hot, keep eating halves for a while longer.  Pretty soon your saliva will have a persistent pepper aftertaste and your fingers and toes will feel hot for no reason.
6 months ago a jalapeno was hot to me. then I tried a habanero and it lit me up so bad I swore I would never be dumb enough to do it again. Well within a couple of weeks I was eating them with ease compared to my first time where I felt like puking but didn't. Then I ordered a mixed box of superhots and ate a small Muruga TS. That felt like satan pissed in my mouth and I was in some serious pain. A couple weeks later I ordered a box of Red Savina peppers and ate 4 in a row with no problems. They were very hot but I could tolerate the heat. I'm waiting for my Reaper to produce so I can try one of them. The more you eat various hot sauces and peppers the more you will be able to tolerate. I think making lots of hot sauces with the super hot peppers has helped me with being able to eat the real hot peppers. 
I'm just about at the stage where habaneros and bonnets don't send me in an instant rush to grab the milk. The best way I've found to build tolerance is get some good hot sauce at about the same level as you're working to, and have it on everything...dinner/sandwiches/chips...
I don't recommend eating a whole hab after you tried a slice. Chew and spit it out. Burning mouth and throat is a thing but cap cramps are a lot worse..
Maybe you can tolerate the burn but your intestines have to get used to it too and it takes time. Eat moderate amounts every day.
Always have something in the belly before eating them! Try your tolerance..when your stomach burns in a "pleasurable" way, don't go further.
Take a break - a day or two when you find yourself sitting too many times on the toilet! :rofl:
I was totally unprepared for my first 7-pot. My girlfriend's boss gave us a mixed bag of hots before we were accustomed to heat past the habanero. Ate the Fataliis and other ones with no issues. I had these two left over and was going to make spaghetti, but decided I'd try them first. She couldn't remember what they were (she said they were some number something) but did remember that he told her to be extremely careful with them. Me being foolish and unfamiliar, cut into one and while it smelled hot, didn't seem crazy. I went ahead and popped a good chunk in my mouth, chewed and swallowed. Immediate pain and regret. I was laughing and crying at the same time. My throat felt like it was swelling shut and there was nothing but drool in my mouth. I was drenched in sweat. My girl is standing there onlooking partially in horror and laughing at the same time as I poured milk on my face and stuffed ice cubes and ice cream into my mouth. I even got myself into a loaf of bread. Nothing really helped, and after about a half hour it subsided. I felt that sucker move through my whole body and the next morning, spent a good amount of time rocking back and forth on the throne whimpering and asking God to forgive me. Good times lmao.
No shame in taking it slow!
Make poppers. Half em. Add a cheese mix. I like Bree, or cream cheese and blue. Add fried onions, figs, whatever to the cheese. Wrap it up in a 1/2 slice of bacon. Cook er up. There you go. Easy to eat.
TNKS said:
Get that fixed and youll be on your way
Went to the Dr's yesterday, getting some antacids but I had it Fixed once and it's not nice having it fixed. lol  So trying to put it off as long as I can.  