hybrids Eating mysterious peppers and my own words. (A rant on crossed seeds)

Bicycle808-in regards to your comment about the seed company Cardi.  I have never done business with them.  However, as a rule, outside of the US, business is conducted differently.  They do not do refunds.  Sometimes they will give you store credit.  Also, the mail is not dependable.  It is better or worse depending on what country you are dealing with.  However, Cardi probably shipped the package but it did not get delivered.  This happens all the time over-seas.  Company's have a different attitude over-seas.  The customer is not number one.  Your happiness or satisfaction is not a concern of the vendor.  The only concern is whether the money you send reaches them.  They do not extend credit.  They do not care if you are a return customer.  Company vision does not extend any further than the end of their nose.  This being said now you can do business with them because now you have low expectations.  I always have low expectations when I do business with anyone over-seas or in Panama.  My happiness then has a chance to get improve that way.
ShowMeDaSauce-One of the issues is also daylength.  We have a continous short daylength that doesn't really vary much since I am located so close to the equator.  We have a daylength is that is 11.5 to 12 hours each day.  Which is very short.  Some plants are daylength sensitive or Photoperiod sensitive.  Plants may not get as big as they do back in the US.  Or, a certain variety may get nice and big for me, but not do so well back home where daylengths are longer.  Some plants won't even bloom in my short daylength.
Its just a matter of experimentation.
I have plenty of options though.  The local peppers are tasty and easy to grow if you like C Chinense peppers.
There are a couple rocotos from Costa Rica. That would be a good start if you want to try something that might work for you in Panama. You pretty much wont have to worry about them crossing with a chinense.
I appreciate the suggestion.  I am open to do some trading.  I have a very special okra variety called AfricanX okra that I personally developed.  I have never sold any seed but I do send seed out for free for folks to trial.  It grows very well in pots.  It is one of the most beautiful okra variety's I have ever seen.  I will be posting the link occasionally to my thread that logs the growth of this years planting.  Lots of photo's.  This okra is successfully being grown as far north as Oklahoma.  
Yes, I am interested in trying some of that Rocato seed if I can source it.  
I'm not going to buy seeds from a vendor that I know has burnt customers in the past. Especially when there are so many reputable vendors out there, many of whom I have already placed successful orders with.

I do want to grow some of those og-style scorpions, though. . . They just look killer. But I don't need to; I've been growing piles of Red SuperHots already, and don't consider them to be a necessity
Pretty much as a rule, if you order something from an over-seas vendor, they are not going to go out of their way to fix a problem if one occurs.  Their mind set is that you are trying to get over on them.  Only buy something from an over-seas vendor if it is the only way to obtain it and remember that there is always the chance that you will lose your money when you are dealing with an international vendor.
Going through the varieties I'm growing (from vendors, both reputable) that have put out pods, turns out only 5 out of 8 grew true. 63%... not a great rate at all. I didn't even realize it was that low.
I do think it's important, though, to differentiate between being disappointed and being upset. Obviously, I wish I actually had purple UFOs and white devil's tongues, but I knew they were open-pollinated, so I'm not upset that I don't. As you pointed out, though, it certainly can be disappointing when luck repeatedly isn't on your side.
Would I buy from either vendor again? Absolutely, if I could. Would I limit myself to seeds they offered isolated? Yeah, most likely. Personally, if I had more room to spare, I wouldn't mind risking open-pollinated seeds again. My purple UFO was a loss; just not a good mutation or hybrid, whatever it was. But I got awesome accidental pods from what was supposed to be a white devil's tongue, so sometimes it can be kind of fun. Also waiting to see if whatever I'm growing that isn't a Caribe puts out tasty pods.
All that said, I'm making sure to get plenty of my own isolated seeds from the varieties I am happy with ASAP.