Eating Superhots!

Bicycle808 said:
Jut wanna say, Yella Fataliis are really awesome pods.  You´re gonna be happy with those, for sure. I ate  quite a few straight fresh Fatalii pods last year; they´re pretty hott (not superhot, obviously) but the sensation is different with those than with a lot of other peppers.  It´s not so much a ¨ḧeat¨ thing, but a ¨pain¨ type of feeling.  More like you took a punch in the mouth, as opposed to the sensation of high temperatures.  Least, that´s how i experienced it.  Great chiles, for sure.
Everyone seems to like the Fatalli which is why I'm growing them this year. Really looking forward to trying them. Another one I want to try is the Bahamanian Goat. I hear it's very tasty as well, it's on my grow list for next year.
FITN said:
Everyone seems to like the Fatalli which is why I'm growing them this year. Really looking forward to trying them. Another one I want to try is the Bahamanian Goat. I hear it's very tasty as well, it's on my grow list for next year.
No question, BGoats are tasty, too. I´m definitely a fan of those, but for me, the Fatalii just tastes better.  Thankfully, we can grow both.... but, i decided to plant out some Fataliis for 2017, but figured i´d wait on the BGoats for another year...
If you´re stoked to try them out, last year, a lot of THP members seemed to be including the Goats in their mixed boxes...
Bicycle808 said:
If you´re stoked to try them out, last year, a lot of THP members seemed to be including the Goats in their mixed boxes...
That's good to know, I'll keep that in mind. How much do people usually ask for their mixed boxes?
FITN said:
That's good to know, I'll keep that in mind. How much do people usually ask for their mixed boxes?
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Try here.> Forum Ads
After reaching the forum type SFRB in the search box, hit Enter or click on the Magnifying Glass and peruse past & present ads.
Yep.  What he said. ^^  A quick search should give you a better idea than my guesstimate...
Box prices seem to range according to the type of peppers, who is selling them, and the time of year. Prices generally drop once everyone´s harvest is coming in fast & huge.  
I drink a bit of milk before and save them for meals and eat several in a sitting. Plenty of milk and good greasy food helps a ton. For me it was a slow build in tollerance..but once I tasted my first homegrown superhot there was no turning back. They are just so tasty and hot..everything else seems bland in comparison. Once you start eating them your tollerance gets like a permanent increase. Id say just grab some tacos and pile it in. You're gonna love it.
Well we will soon find out how well I can cope with fresh superhots. My reapers have just started to set pods. Ive never had the chance to try them when they were truly fresh off the plant. My fatali also has a few pods going.
I don't enjoy eating raw superhots but I do enjoy the sauces and powders. It's not just tolerance it's also that raw upfront hit like eating raw garlic... so guess what, it's OK to call yourself a chilihead, and not like chomping on raw peppers. :)
Pods are looking good.  Here's my advice.  Mind what THP himself says and remember you've got nothing to prove to yourself or anybody else.  Cut the tail off a Fatalii first and eat it (NOT on an empty stomach).  Even if no Fatalii are ripe when your first super comes in, pluck a green Fatalii off and try that first.  See what you think.  Is it an enjoyable experience?  If it doesn't wreck you too bad, give a slice of the big boys a shot.  If you genuinely find that you enjoy eating small bits of a pod raw and it doesn't ruin you, have the whole milk handy and hit up a full pod.  If it turns out to be a mistake, you'll only make it once. ;)
I've always felt like an odd duck with regard to superhots.  Like there are certain capsacian oils that do not hit me as hard as most people and that's the only reason I regularly eat whole pods.  Aside from the cardinal rule of never on an empty stomach, I don't do anything special and didn't really graduate from hot to hotter or hottest.  Never have gotten hiccups with superhots.  Never any lower-GI problems (unless I eat way too many because fiber, yo :P ).  When it comes to cap cramps, even my worst bout was probably around 15 minutes and done?  I feel really lucky; but at the same time, it is important to note that I wouldn't be eating whole pods at all if the previous facts were not the case.
Thanks to all the solid advice! It's not so much as a feeling that I need to prove my self to anyone, it's more of a " never know till ya try it" kind of thing. If that makes sense. I already have a tolerance beyond the average Joe but I've never tried to really really push it. I plan on taking slug's advice and go with the fatalii first. I also have a red Savina growing but it got a late start and I'm not sure if I'll get any ripe pods off it before the frost. It might make another good stepping stone if it produces.
just remember if you get a seed stuck in the back where your sinuses meet your throat , the only true option is to just goon another whole pod.   Basically make the rest of you mouth and throat feel so destroyed the seed is the least of your problems .   YMMV   :fireball:  :fireball:
Ashen said:
just remember if you get a seed stuck in the back where your sinuses meet your throat , the only true option is to just goon another whole pod.   Basically make the rest of you mouth and throat feel so destroyed the seed is the least of you problems .   YMMV   :fireball:  :fireball:
Gee, now that's a happy thought! Haha
hazards of the game ......   The very first ghost I ever ate , wrecked me pretty thoroughly.     About a half hour after the pain in my mouth and throat subsided I had  cap cramps from hel and then shortly after it felt like I was turned into a supersoaker filled with lava.  :flamethrower:  :flamethrower:
