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greenhouse eBay Greenhouses....

with the year starting to kick in high gear i am running out of space inside and with warmer weather in SoCal soon to come.. i was wondering about greenhouses.... cant wait on old windows to put together.. and i really didnt like my OLD ghetto greenhouse...


no shelves or anything....

any feedback on these kinds of GH??
That ones probably too small for you,your plants will quickly outgrow it but would be great for starts.I have one like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Outdoor-Large-Walk-In-Portable-Greenhouse-Plant-Grow-Green-House-Hot-Tent-/111009218802?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d8aa40f2 and I'll probably end up buying or building another one real soon!

The 6x8' is decent. Probably good for your area. They are a kind of pain to put together though.
I looked at all those, too. I had a ghetto greenhouse similar to yours but I didn't have anywhere in my yard where it met my two criteria.......lots of sun, and I can't see it.

I finally broke down and built one. I was afraid of the wind blowing the harbor freight one down. I have about $600 in mine but I already had the tin around the bottom. I found some plans on the internet that I used as a basic idea. Mine does get pretty hot, but during the summer I'm going to unscrew two of the long panels on the side.

I would say that if the greenhouse you posted will do, then go with that. If you find you want something bigger and sturdier, you might want to look at building one. I don't think the Harbor Freight one will withstand much weather.

I don't want to hijack your thread, so I won't post a pic unless you want to see it.

I had 2 of the 6x8 harbor freight gh's. They will withstand weather with some modification. Mostly silicon to help seal them and hold the panels in. Theres tons of info on the web about them and how to harden them up. Price cant really be beat.
Hijack away. I see everyone's point. I'd love to build one. But I'm no Tim Allen ...even want to make one using old windows but don't had access to that.

Nick. TRU dat. At the rate I grow stuff. I'll run out of space quick. Just wondering about that and Santa Ana winds. ?!

Please post pics of your greenhouses and let me know how u came to deciding that one for u
Your rt about those winds KD! I had mine get entirely flipped over by the winds last year,
but that was before I anchored it down! Lesson learned and have had no problems since then. It wouldn't be hard to build a big hoop house out of pvc anchored down to a wood base and would probably be most cost effective.No matter which way or size you go with tho, you'll soon find yourself running out of space. There way too easy to fill up when your addicted to growing plants bud,lol!
You also need to worry about snow :
Blizzard damages greenhouses in the Northeast
Business, Structures, Weather
At least 44 operations in Connecticut reported damages to their houses.


Well with my old greenhouse I was watering more often opening and closing vents so you may want to look at auto vent arm's and drip irrigation. (Also look for Mycorrhizae)
I would love to have one twice the size of mine. Once the peppers get put outside, I'm looking forward to growing some herbs like basil and oregano and all kinds of different stuff. I've found that when you have something like that to grow in you can't walk by any plant that has seeds hanging off of if. One of my Robellini palms had seeds on it and I popped them in some pots, my crape myrtles seeded last year so I dropped them in a few pots, and I'm always on the lookout. Every time we eat a pineapple the top of it goes in a 3 gallon pot. I googled greenhouses and there are some pretty neat GHs out there. I probably do need to look into some shadecloth for the summer. I believe where you and I are at it is going to be extremely hot in a greenhouse this summer.