seed-plant-vendors EBAY Scammers...

Ok, so, since there are a lot of good prices on ebay with pepper seeds, I decided to give them a shot. I have my suspsicions with 2 of my orders (out of around 30). There are a few sellers names I want you to check to make sure they are legit, or not. (SimplySeeds9 and fosbinde0)
First, SimplySeeds9 sold me a 100 seed pack of dorset nagas. They are oversized for my other superhot seeds, but, I don't know if they dried differently,etc... Fodbinde0 sold me a pack of 100 seeds for Carolina Reapers. They look like all my other seeds, but not shriveled up with capsaicin. They are some of the first seeds to sprout. Which one is a scammer, which one isnt???
For the photo: On the left is an authentic ghost pepper seeds and on the right is our supposed "Dorset Naga" seed.
Also, can you maybe help identify what they are trying to sell me for both people. 
Their ebay names are on here, do some research and help me out. SimplySeeds9 and fosbinde0 are the names.


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The trouble with eBay sellers is that by the time you grow out your seeds and realise you don't have what you ordered, it's too late. The seller is very unlikely to refund or compensate you because you can't leave feedback as too much time has passed. 
For example you can buy Blue Strawberries here:
The seller has 99.9% positive feedback from over 5,400 sales. My guess is all that feedback was for receiving strawberry seeds of some sort, and in a timely manner. 
It's practically impossible to tell varieties apart from comparing seeds, in fact, it's only when they fruit that you can be certain.
The general consensus here is that eBay is a lucky dip, you never know what you're going to get. My advice would be to stick to reputable vendors which can be found here:
Once you've wasted a whole season growing Bell peppers you thought were Carolina Reapers, the price of seeds seems somewhat less important.
I just looked up a bell pepper seed... much smoother and looks a lot like this one. From the authentic seeds I have had in the past, they shrivel and make an evil looking seed. These seeds are smooth like bell pepper seeds. Probably fake since the seller sells "dragon breath" seeds which aren't even out yet.. like wtf.
Dragon's Breath seeds became available in 2018 from chilli bob's in the UK. Several US growers have grown out a generation already, but most US seed vendors are sold out.
NamllitPepper said:
I just looked up a bell pepper seed... much smoother and looks a lot like this one. From the authentic seeds I have had in the past, they shrivel and make an evil looking seed. These seeds are smooth like bell pepper seeds. Probably fake since the seller sells "dragon breath" seeds which aren't even out yet.. like wtf.