vendor eBay seller - possitive feedback

Hey guys,

I just want to share possitive feedback that if have for one eBay seller

His user name his: mark.davies

I have bought package of seeds from him: Dorset Naga (Red and Choc), Bhut Jolokia and 7 Pod.
I have recived the seeds in very short time.

After a while i fuigured that the Bhut and the 7Pod didnt germinate at all (Nagas did germinate), I sent him an email and he sent me new seeds immidately! without any further question!

He is awsesome seller with fair prices, recommand for some who look to buy some superhot seeds on ebay.

Thats the big problem with E-bay seeds. People get great germination and quick delivery and give positive feedback but 4+ months later they realize the plants aren't what they were supposed to be. Most e-bay seed sellers are not knowledgable chileheads like us here, and they are usually re-sellers who do not know and grow their own seeds
Keep us updated liavah, hope this guy is honest and knowedgable. He seems to at least be a good bussiness man and really into plants
I am an long time ebay buyer but seeds are NOT included.
I totally agree with POTAWE, and he is expert at pepper identity. The long grow time needed to verify true seed identity (if possible at all!)
makes ebay feedback useless in my opinion.
The Vendor Vault on THP is your best resource. Search --you will find at least a half dozen sources across the globe who have earned positive reviews from THP experienced growers.
Hey now, dont ding ALL the Ebay sellers like that. You all know me and know I grow super hots. I have sold super hot seeds on ebay and they are always what I say they are and have had repeat yearly customers. Not everyone on EBay is out to rip someone off.
i fell for it one time. 7 pot seeds 10 for 99 cents. i should've known better, but what the hell. a few months later i had red habaneros. i guess 99 cents isn't bad for habanero seeds, but it definitely wasn't what i ordered.
Hey now, dont ding ALL the Ebay sellers like that. You all know me and know I grow super hots. I have sold super hot seeds on ebay and they are always what I say they are and have had repeat yearly customers. Not everyone on EBay is out to rip someone off.

People are known by the birds with whom they fly.........