• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


it's 4:07 am here now...I have to go into work early this morning so I to up at 2:30 or so...of course I went to bed about 7 last night...
shayneyasinski said:
So is Electricity to the Amish ..... did you have a bad seller
I had a bad buying experience where the person didn't pay and eBay still tried to charge me. I did every step they told me to do to "resolve it" with their "billing department" (notice the use of quotes). It's a load of shit with that company. Plus their fee's are outragous!!!!! Long story short, I don't deal with FleaBay and still "owe" them "money".

shayneyasinski said:
or just trying to get your posts up??
I don't know....at this point do I need to get my point's up? It's going to take until 2010 for AJ to catch me, that's well known know thanks to his graph.
I've never bought any seeds off ebay, so I can't really justify any bad, or good, personal comments. I prefer getting my seeds from trades, or buying them from dealers.

I also feel that spending 3 bucks or maybe 20 on seeds that are new or hard to get is ok even if they turn out to be wrong..
who hasn't picked up a tranny by mistake....
:shocked: never picked up a tranny by mistake but I have bought off ebay before with seeds, I found I had major germination problems with one of them, I could see the seeds were well past their sell by date by the state of them and others had just rotted in the bag from insufficient drying. If you use ebay you need to use companies that have a good reputation, I thought this company did so chose carefully if you get use ebay. I prefer not to, it can be hard to complain afterwards if you're unhappy.