Edible to the wife?

Can't wait to start these when they come in.

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Edmick said:
Why don't you show us your entire order history from the last 6 months? Scared of what we might see? huh?! This site is full disclosure buddy.. lol

Amazon is my guilty pleasure. So.. there is that chance but who cares ;)

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Criolla sella a baccatuum, if harvested slightly immature has a nice sweet taste with just a subtle heat. allowed to mature and the seeds to harden in the pod they get to where she may no longer be appreciative. Biquiho Iracemo is a small Chinense that is both flavorful and easily tolerable. Another in the baccatuum family is the aji colorado. To me there were notes of cherry present.
The Hot Pepper said:
You have a big greenhouse or something?
Was this in reference to me?

I don't have a greenhouse set up yet but I found something I enjoy and that's growing from seed. It's a great activity that my 8 year old princess and I get to bond over.

This spring, I'll be getting a permit to build it and who knows... you tube channel worthy stuff that my girl so wants to do..yet not so much me.

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Malarky said:
Check out Aji Amarillo and Aji Limo.
Very useable. Just made a creamy sauce using 3 Limo's with the seeds out and it was very approachable
That's something I'll look into. I've read good stuff on the Ajis.

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Walchit said:
You better just grow a couple plants of every pepper seed you can scrounge together!
Two seeds a species right now. I overdid it with Cucumbers on a 70? Spot tray.

The waiting game on some of the hots is exrutiating.

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