My experience mailing:
Some small 5 1/4" x 7" bubble envelopes with 6 or 8 small plastic zip lock bags, [~dozen seeds each] have gone through @ $0.65.
I have had similar envelopes containing more seeds call for $1.20 postage [more weight] and go through OK.
But I had one returned with the stamps CANCELED, notification that the proper fee for this type envelope was $1.95. I lost the $1.20 in stamps but more important, the time in delivery plus the cost and hassle of an extra trip to the post office.
The key is the thickness of the envelope vs the automated machinery in the post office processing. Bubble envelopes with anything but thin contents [less than 1/4"] have the potential to jam in the sorters. Jam ups pi**
off the workers. If you are lucky your envelope may come back to you -- or they may end up
'going postal' with it ???
The $1.95 provides for hand processing and (should be) much more reliable.
My experience mailing:
Some small 5 1/4" x 7" bubble envelopes with 6 or 8 small plastic zip lock bags, [~dozen seeds each] have gone through @ $0.65.
I have had similar envelopes containing more seeds call for $1.20 postage [more weight] and go through OK.
But I had one returned with the stamps CANCELED, notification that the proper fee for this type envelope was $1.95. I lost the $1.20 in stamps but more important, the time in delivery plus the cost and hassle of an extra trip to the post office.
The key is the thickness of the envelope vs the automated machinery in the post office processing. Bubble envelopes with anything but thin contents [less than 1/4"] have the potential to jam in the sorters. Jam ups pi**

The $1.95 provides for hand processing and (should be) much more reliable.