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favorite edit: favorite chile LOOKS ONLY EDITION

Another way to ask would be "what's your favorite pepper pheno?" or what's your favorite pepper to look at, taste/heat not considered?

I grew some very cool looking caramel bhuts and JRGS this year, both had great looks. I don't particularly care for the Moruga or apocalypse pheno and prefer something longer than wide with a shorty, pointy stinger.

I love the bonnet shape, but it's not the first thing that comes to mind when I think "perfect looking pepper".

EDITED: looks only edition!
I don't get the question. The title says what chile pepper comes to mind when someone mentions it. In the post it asks for favorite. So is this just another favorite pepper thread???
What fish comes to mind when I say fish?
What is your favorite fish?
Very different.
The Hot Pepper said:
I don't get the question. The title says what chile pepper comes to mind when someone mentions it. In the post it asks for favorite. So is this just another favorite pepper thread???
What fish comes to mind when I say fish?
What is your favorite fish?
Very different.
Favorite chile for looks only. Take taste and heat completely out of it. What pepper do you think has the best look?

To use celebrities as an example, I have the biggest crush on Anna Kendrick. She's cute, funny, seems like someone I would wanna hang out with (this would be your favorite chile, the whole package). In my mind the hottest celebrities are Liz Hurley (nostalgia edition) and Margot Robbie (current edition). They are absolute smoke shows on the eyes. They are both hot as all hell, and personality, being cool, etc., doesn't matter. This your favorite pepper to look at, nothing else like heat, flavor, how you use it, matters.

So, again, favorite chile LOOKS ONLY EDITION. Taste, heat, nothing else matters but how it looks.
Sicmans Mystery 2014 F1
First purple spotted supers I ever saw. They were stunning to look at.
The interior was the best part though, it looked like a dissected heart on the inside, red with vivid purple veins and arteries.
One of natures most awesome and mysterious pieces of art.
Well, before you edited your post to just be favorite look, I’ll comment on the ‘what comes to mind when I think of a chile pepper’-
Annuums seem to dominate for me when I think of ‘chile pepper’s’ (seeing all the dried red ristras a neighbor had when I was younger was probably the genesis of that and what I associate with chile peppers). So, I’d have to agree with Capsaicin Fiend that a red Thai or something like Chile de Arbol is what comes to my mind most. The long slender pods I just find aesthetically pleasing and what truly captures the whole ‘chile pepper’/ hot look.
The Fresno is another… it’s just so classic; the pictorial definition of a chile pepper to me.
As far as just looks, I agree with you on the JRGS (or JPGS) -  wicked, gnarly and just cool looking! A perfectly 4-lobed peachy Bahamian Goat with that snowy white interior is another one of my favorites as far as looks go. If it has a stinger, then that’s just a bonus!
Since Hogleg mentioned artful looking peppers... I can’t then leave out mention of the CGN 21500 – that’s the first pepper that truly wowed me when I first saw one in person! So beautiful! (same with the similar looking Cheiro Roxa) 
hogleg said:
Sicmans Mystery 2014 F1
First purple spotted supers I ever saw. They were stunning to look at.
The interior was the best part though, it looked like a dissected heart on the inside, red with vivid purple veins and arteries.
One of natures most awesome and mysterious pieces of art.
Wow where can we find pictures of this beauty?
hogleg said:
Didn't I send you F2 seeds of it??
I don't have any pics but here is my review.
No the cross you sent me was Hogsweed F2! Sounds like a very cool pepper though. Good video too  :fireball: