Tried to update my profile. When I click on the tab, it takes me to <My Settings> where the only options are to change email & password, "ignore" preferences, change notifications and notifications. How do I edit my profile?
Tried to update my avatar. Removed the old one and now cannot load another one - from laptop or off an URL. When I try URL, I get the following message: member_profile_disabled. How can I add an avatar?
Tried to update my profile. When I click on the tab, it takes me to <My Settings> where the only options are to change email & password, "ignore" preferences, change notifications and notifications. How do I edit my profile?
Tried to update my avatar. Removed the old one and now cannot load another one - from laptop or off an URL. When I try URL, I get the following message: member_profile_disabled. How can I add an avatar?