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Eek, habanero is dying!

So my little habanero has been hanging in there all winter. A very, very long winter. No flowers or anything, but I didn't mind that too much, I just wanted the poor thing to live. But, when I got up this evening it was wilting pretty badly. I watered it just last night, a little miracle gro mixed into the water, and this has never happened before. Is it dying? I'll be so sad if it is, I had really hoped this little plant would make it, it's doubled in height since it got brought in for the winter (Wyoming, so the summer was very short, and the winter is going to be very long).

Sorry for how huge the pic is, I didn't realize that it was this big (it's a camera on a tablet, how is that better than my actual camera!? Life is weird sometimes, and the technology gets involved)

So my little habanero has been hanging in there all winter. A very, very long winter. No flowers or anything, but I didn't mind that too much, I just wanted the poor thing to live. But, when I got up this evening it was wilting pretty badly. I watered it just last night, a little miracle gro mixed into the water, and this has never happened before. Is it dying? I'll be so sad if it is, I had really hoped this little plant would make it, it's doubled in height since it got brought in for the winter (Wyoming, so the summer was very short, and the winter is going to be very long).

I'll add photos when I can, imgur seems to be refusing to upload anything at the moment.

What kind of light have you been giving it? It may not be getting enough light. Also the plants dont like the cold. So you need to try and maintain a temp of atleast 70 degrees F or warmer. If you let it go a long time without watering it will wilt., but I dont think that is the problem. My guess is probably not enough light
What kind of light have you been giving it? It may not be getting enough light. Also the plants dont like the cold. So you need to try and maintain a temp of atleast 70 degrees F or warmer. If you let it go a long time without watering it will wilt., but I dont think that is the problem. My guess is probably not enough light

It's been getting a daylight bulb (same bulb since September), although it's on a heat mat the apartment is a bit cold (finally getting a little winter in the area, but I keep the apartment at 55F).

looks really wet...maybe too much water???

Yeah, I'm thinking that's the problem as it has been doing just fine until now. Will it recover from too much water, or is it doomed? I don't see any water in the plate below the pot, but it tends to evaporate pretty fast up here in the wild north.
It looks like "Blight" ...only my opinion. You could transplant it . Clean the pot with bleach and plant into a new medium. It is a perennial and as long as the root ball is clean you can repot....chances are good....But , you could always plant new seeds....for a fresh start

It's been getting a daylight bulb (same bulb since September), although it's on a heat mat the apartment is a bit cold (finally getting a little winter in the area, but I keep the apartment at 55F).

Yeah, I'm thinking that's the problem as it has been doing just fine until now. Will it recover from too much water, or is it doomed? I don't see any water in the plate below the pot, but it tends to evaporate pretty fast up here in the wild north.

You really have to watch the watering esp with cooler temps! A good way to tell if it needs water is to weigh the plant when the potting mix is both dry and wet. If you dont want to weigh it on a scale just guesstimate with your hand, you will feel/notice the difference. But I'd say in the currern conditions you should water about every week to week and a half. It wouldnt hurt to put another daylight bulb on it either! :)
It looks like "Blight" ...only my opinion. You could transplant it . Clean the pot with bleach and plant into a new medium. It is a perennial and as long as the root ball is clean you can repot....chances are good....But , you could always plant new seeds....for a fresh start


It doesn't meet the criteria for blight by a long shot.

If it to much water you just need to repot it with some new soil try adding some perlite into the mix.

That's the problem with Wyoming: I can't get perlite until at least March unless I eat a whole tank of gas (mine got used for winter camping supplies by friends.) But I might try repotting tonight. Thanks.
I think it will be ok if you repot it and give it more sunlight/ light and heat. They need more sunlight / light and heat when sick. The same thing seems to have happened to the new growth ( had cut it down to its woody parts) in my overwintered Thai pepper plant after watering with fertilizer. I dunno if I over fertilized it, drowned it, or both. Perhaps the same is wrong with your plant. Mine is too big to transplant, but a seedling, oddly unaffected by the watering and fertilizing, from one of its pods grew in the pot on its own accord, lol.

Edit: Cutting some of the leaves that are dying will help too. The plant will waste energy on the dying leaves.
start with cleaning the house, then repot the plant with some premium soil as that soil looks crap - there is a difference - best stuff is from a landscaping supplies joint .. not walmart.
Water only when it needs it . . i.e when the soil is dryish - not bone dry.
Plant needs ventilation if your growing under a light, and the light needs a decent amount of lumens.. go to a hydro shop and ask them what stuff to purchase -1x household cfl will not cut it.
Feed with liquid fert when looks like it's going a bit pale (running out of food) .. I have kept plants in the same soil and pots for years and if you follow this it should be fine - you will work out your own way that works.
+1 for repotting it, I would just order some Perlite from online, I was in the same boat as you as far as not being able to get much as far as planting stuff goes until.. we last week they started it, so it is earlier than you, but even now I am going to have to search around for some new potting soil when the rest of my plants go into 1 gallon containers, bc MG is too expensive and not worth the money for everything.. but I'd just get some online,

but if you really don't want to get perlite, I guess you could use.... I dono, that stiff Styrofoam.. I've never heard of anyone using it, but I guess it could work lol, just break it up into a bunch of little balls like when you rub them together.. haha.. and I would add a light in there for sure.. or at the very very least, get it in front of a good window
Yes I agree with what everyone is saying. It is dieing from lack of oxygen at the roots, the medium you have it in would require watering once every 30days.