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Eek! White Mold

I've turned over a leaf(not a new leaf, just a Jalapeno leaf) and found white mold! And it's spreading...how do I kill it without nasty pesticides that will soak into the fruit?

Is there a home made moldacide that food friendly that I can us?
If it has not gotten to far, just pull off all the leaves that are effected. Peppers recover quickly. The cure I use on my roses and can be used on tomatoes is dusting them with sulfer to kill the mold. It does a pretty good job and can be easily washed off. I don't know where to get it, a farmer that I know gave me some a while ago for my roses, but I am sure it can be found somewhere.
Visit the local organic garderner nursery place and ask for advice. I bet they can sell you the sulfer or have some other advice.
There are two typical fungicides one sulphur based and one copper based. Always rotate between the two if use is prolonged since resistace may occur. I've heard about spraying with baking soda but source is unknown.(must be a Ph thing). I've used Safers brand Defender when absolutely needed and Bordo powder(copper I think). Good luck.
Tina, to the best of my knowledge, the sulfer does not effect the peppers at all, which is why I suggested it. I am generally a preying mantis fan of bug control and a picker of white moldy leaves.
Well, if I get mold on the leaves, I'll try those solutions... So far, I've only had mold on the soil... That, aphids (solved with ladybugs) and fruit flies (or whatever they are).

Safer's brand "Defender" is sulphur based and it says you can use up to the day before harvest except on white grapes. Usually the leaves never return to normal and as Daveincoalinga suggests, you should pick off the moldy/mildewy leaves. Give plants plenty of circulation if they are movable. Last year was bad here for hot humid weather resulting in mildew, but usually the bigger, less useful leaves get hit first leaving little long-term damage.
Teaspoon of bleach to a gallon of water. Mix good and put in a spray bottle and spray affected areas...... Problem solved.

Most of us drink Chlorine in our drinking water everyday and water our plants with it. I know this works and will not harm plants.

Those of you thinking Tilex Mildew Remover................ Think not! **LMAO**