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Effects of frequent spicy food on the body

the FDA is not out to "save America" as it purports. It has been bought and paid for by major food corporations, which also happen to control large pharmaceutical corporations. Coincidence??? Maybe...

Find out what happened to the guy who did the "Supersize Me" documentary. I'll try to post an article to this, but basically, after the guy got supersized, he couldn't lose the weight.

See all those ads on TV? What are they selling (besides cars, alcohol or tobacco?)? PHARMACEUTICALS AND FAST FOODS!

Get everybody fat and then sell them all kinds of "symptom" drugs without solving the problem.
Well... you get a legal "high"... that's a good thing, right? Alright, I'm completely anti-drug-laws, period (especially marijuana and salvia divinorum and other relatively safe natural ones), but I recall watching an episode of The Doctors where they were saying that eating hot foods "releases endorphins" and in general is just good for you. Drugs aren't always bad... and we should all be locked up, exiled and go to hell, our own brains are capable of producing opiates... I hope like hell extremely hot peppers are never outlawed like two other special herbs (and other unfortunate targets of anti-drug-groups). If so, then running distance should be as well. It's f***ing disgusting that people could outlaw such natural lifeforms, even with their medical benefits, effectively outlawing their research. Makes the drug companies and religious people happy, I'm sure, as well as the cotton industry and others... can't patent nature. Well, in most cases, that is. Yet f***ing tobacco, of all wretched things, is legal (and probably always will be).

Not trying to throw the thread off anymore, but the Partnership for a Drug Free America is funded by pharmacutical companies, MJ is a big threat to them because it effectively treats alot of things they make a pill for. Also, according the LD50 factor(the measurement of how much of something will kill you) MJ is safer than caffine. I personally don't use MJ, but I know alot about it, the CEO of my prior employer(progressive insurance) is the top major funder in fighting for legalization, as well as the CEO of Pheonix University. He claims it saved his life after losing his legs to extreme alcoholism.

Its only bad for people with heart problems, as it almost doubles your rate durring the first few minutes after smoking.