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El Yucateco XXXtra Hot Kutbil-ik Mayan Style

Willard and AjiJoe, what sauces do you guys like more? Let me know and I'll try them.

i like Tapatio and the one willard has pictured is very good also i have had both many times

i also like so mant others i cant really decide i also make a wid range of sauces myself that i and many others enjoy

thanks your friend Joe
I've had Tapatio many times, it's not bad. I don't really care for any of the Bufalo sauces. I like the flavor of the Yucateco xxxtra hot a lot more than both, so I guess we'll have to chalk that up to personal preference.

Unfortunately the last time I bought some Yucateco xxxtra hot I got a bad batch that smelled slightly rancid and tasted like chalk...not sure what was up with that. :mad: