End of my growing season [emoji22]

So I go out and check my garden like I do every morning and something has pulled up and destroyed my pepper plants but didn't touch anything else and not a pod or piece of a pod in sight. Granted, there were only 4 plants, it still sucks as my plants had a decent amount of pods. So needless to say, I'll probably lurk more then anything until next growing season. Happy growing everyone!

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Jase4224 said:
If that happened in my garden my first guess would be.. my wife lol
Lol. Uh oh. The plants were the hubby's also, so very unlikely. I plan on doing everything in a greenhouse next year, so I'll chalk this one up as a lesson learned.

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Jase4224 said:
If that happened in my garden my first guess would be.. my wife lol
could you start an overwinter experiment? do you have room in a sunny window for a couple of plants?
You could use it as a fun opportunity to OW a couple of interesting or ornamental plants? or a long season type?
I OW'd 2 BahaGoats, 1 choc Hab, and 1 Red Savina last winter with minimal effort.
Malarky said:
could you start an overwinter experiment? do you have room in a sunny window for a couple of plants?
You could use it as a fun opportunity to OW a couple of interesting or ornamental plants? or a long season type?
I OW'd 2 BahaGoats, 1 choc Hab, and 1 Red Savina last winter with minimal effort.
I thought about it. None of my windows are sunny enough. I have 4 types I started just to test the germination rates. They are about 3 inches tall or so now. The biggest issue is funds for lights that actually work.

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Edmick said:
Lol my wife jokes that shes going to buy a pepper hat so i would pay as much attention to her as i do my plants.
LMAO. My plant hobby gets to my hubby at times too.

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I'm really sorry to hear about your plants. :tear:  I had an unfortunate set-back this year as well so I have some idea of the feeling.
At least you have several other plants to enjoy.
Here's to next year being much better for the both of us!
Peter_L said:
I'm really sorry to hear about your plants. :tear:  I had an unfortunate set-back this year as well so I have some idea of the feeling.
At least you have several other plants to enjoy.
Here's to next year being much better for the both of us!
Sorry to hear about your set back as well. That's a good way to look at it. I very much hope so. [emoji2]

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