End of My Season: UPDATE On Ripening Process

Final harvest of the season. Sigh, if I only hadn't made so many stupid mistakes at the beginning of the season I could have had multiple harvests like this. Oh well, I "learned" a lot this year ;).  Now to try to get most of these to ripen before they head to the dehydrator.
PepperLover said:
nice Harvest Brian 
you can try some green powders actually they taste good in some annums 
Thanks Judy.  Yeah, I've currently got all the pods in the shot inside a cardboard box with a banana.  I'll give it a few days and then take them out before they go soft on me.  Whatever hasn't ripened will be going into a green powder.
The good news is that the majority of these already have a little color starting to show on them.  I should be able to get a lot them fully ripe.
Like Judy said, nice harvest Brian! :P
We live and learn right? :banghead:  I made the huge mistake of starting my supers incredibly late! Like the end of March and some even later than that
and to top it off I have a short grow season to begin with here in the cool and rainy Seattle area. Oh well, just gotta shake it off and got some nice lookin plants
already started for next yr and I didnt want to buy lights to start seeds this last Dec. or Jan. anyways LOL. Its good to see that you have a nice harvest to show for your efforts anyhow. :dance:
A nice table full of heat. Just had the first flight of Canadian Geese flyover this morning here in NE Arkansas so I guess the cold weather is on the way. I too learned much this year and hope to not make the same mistakes come January. Did not know about the banana and will try it when the really cold comes next week with the remainder of my green pods.
megahot said:
Like Judy said, nice harvest Brian! :P
We live and learn right? :banghead:  I made the huge mistake of starting my supers incredibly late! Like the end of March and some even later than that
and to top it off I have a short grow season to begin with here in the cool and rainy Seattle area. Oh well, just gotta shake it off and got some nice lookin plants
already started for next yr and I didnt want to buy lights to start seeds this last Dec. or Jan. anyways LOL. Its good to see that you have a nice harvest to show for your efforts anyhow. :dance:
With the mistakes I made, I might as well have started my plants really late.  All my troubles this season stemmed from my homemade potting soil/fertilizing.  First, I started my plants indoors in just peat a peat/lime mix.  I was using DynaGro to feed them, but I guess I went over the top with it and burned them up, stunting them for a long time.  When I put them out I decided to go all organic and made my own organic mix.  That mix wound up tying up Nitrogen in the soil and my plant still didn't grow.  I finally got the issue diagnosed and sorted out.  By the time I fixed the issue, it was early August.  My plants really took off after that, but as you see it was a little late in the season.
capehog said:
A nice table full of heat. Just had the first flight of Canadian Geese flyover this morning here in NE Arkansas so I guess the cold weather is on the way. I too learned much this year and hope to not make the same mistakes come January. Did not know about the banana and will try it when the really cold comes next week with the remainder of my green pods.
Yeah the Banana will give off ethylene gas which will cause the peppers in with it to ripen faster.  The ones with a little bit of color already on them should be guaranteed to ripen up.  It's hit or miss with the ones that are fully green.
So if anybody had any doubts about the cardboard box and banana trick, allow me to provide proof that it works!
Here is the pic again of my final harvest:

Here is what is left of the green/mostly under ripe pods just 5 days later (these are still pretty firm, so going to give them about another 2 days to see if they'll ripen further):

Here is a pic of the fully processed ripe pods in their gallon bag homes:

Finally here's a pic of the harvested pods above, plus pods I have gotten from various members of THP (thank you Judy, Jamie, and Garrett!):

All of these will be going into various types of powders.  My dehydrator is going to be very busy for a long time!
Very nice harvest Brian! I will have to try the banana trick. Ive only used just the paper bag trick which works too, but Im sure the banana speeds up the process
Sweet deal. After reading this thread (and having to do my final harvest as well) I followed suit. Worked excellent, I got about 80%.
Looks like you'll survive the winter!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the OG-Fruit in ripening other things the apple, or is it to strong for peppers? I always ripen other fruits (like bananas) by placing them around a few apples, but i didn't try it with peppers so far.
Charger said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the OG-Fruit in ripening other things the apple, or is it to strong for peppers? I always ripen other fruits (like bananas) by placing them around a few apples, but i didn't try it with peppers so far.
I believe apples work as well.
megahot said:
Like Judy said, nice harvest Brian! :P
We live and learn right? :banghead:  I made the huge mistake of starting my supers incredibly late! Like the end of March and some even later than that
and to top it off I have a short grow season to begin with here in the cool and rainy Seattle area. Oh well, just gotta shake it off and got some nice lookin plants
already started for next yr and I didnt want to buy lights to start seeds this last Dec. or Jan. anyways LOL. Its good to see that you have a nice harvest to show for your efforts anyhow. :dance:
I started just as late and I live in a Portland sigh and I knew better !!
compmodder26 said:
Final harvest of the season. Sigh, if I only hadn't made so many stupid mistakes at the beginning of the season I could have had multiple harvests like this. Oh well, I "learned" a lot this year ;).  Now to try to get most of these to ripen before they head to the dehydrator.
Wow !! Great results I have what you have then some tons of green pods lol, if I get the same results I'll be stoked !!